Another sizzling entry in DREAMCAST LOGO IN REAL LIFE, this time a small wooden child’s toy. The logo isn’t revealed until the second photograph, so you’ll have to scroll down a bit before you sigh and head off to a better web site.

“My little boy was recently given this ‘gift’ of what appeared to be a tambourine. On closer inspection, it appears to be sponsored by SEGA. Obviously still reeling financially from the Arsenal disaster – the console for the masses should not be associated with drunken southern proles – SEGA has chosen to begin the marketing push for what can only be Dreamcast 3 by targeting the under twos. This gives them 12 years of development time before their target audience reaches prime video games playing / wanking age.”
“PS: Any chance of some more Kirstie Allsop Photoshopped porn? – Tim.”
filed in DREAMCAST LOGO IN REAL LIFE on Aug.04, 2008
August 4th, 2008 on 6:12 pm
Why do you people think everything with a damn swirl on it is a piece of Sega-made Dreamcast propaganda? Are you that upset that the Dreamcast hasn’t been the biggest thing ever for over a decade?
ZOMG, Sega-sponsored Pokemon, amirite?! :B
And when is this blog ever gonna go back to the Sony hate it’s known for instead of playing the “let’s pretend it’s still 1996 in a world ruled by Sega” game?
August 4th, 2008 on 6:22 pm
Interesting trolling approach, Cid. I’m willing to award you 3 otters for it. If you want the other two, you’ll be at the Bawarski Pub in Warsaw at 9:03pm tomorrow. Sit at the table in the northeast corner and wear a white flower in your lapel. Come alone.
August 4th, 2008 on 7:21 pm
I think this essentially boils down to, if you don’t like it, fuck off.
It can’t be easy for a one man band to update a blog every weekday and yet make every item poignant.
August 4th, 2008 on 7:25 pm
If only Zorg had OTHER people to write funny things for him….
August 4th, 2008 on 8:07 pm
Were you kicked off the team Phorenzik?
August 4th, 2008 on 9:26 pm
See the beauty of it, there’s 2 swirls for Dreamcast 2 and the third one is mising, as if tantalising for Dreamcast 3. It can’t be better than this.
ZOMG, Sega-sponsored Pokemon, amirite?! :B”
Yep. Have you ever heard of Sandshrew? He’s a Sonic rip-off.
August 4th, 2008 on 11:20 pm
Actually, aretak, it’s not a trolling approach. I’m just sick of watching this guy live in the past update after update and act as though everything with a damn swirl on it means “ZOMG SEGA’S UPCOMING REVIVAL AND WORLD DOMINANCE”. Seriously, let’s see some more Sony-bashing, there’s plenty of stuff to write about regarding them.
August 5th, 2008 on 12:44 pm
elfreakincid. Missing the point since 1996?