After millions of pounds of wasted development cash to find a game that makes the PS3 worth owning along come the amazing SUMO Digital with the sole reason for possibly, maybe getting one, a GTI Club remake! Setting aside this betrayal by SUMO when they could be remaking Daytona USA we still want to play the amazing GTI Club, even if it means we’ll have to lock the doors, draw the curtains and wear a disguise.
filed in Uncategorized on Aug.21, 2008
August 21st, 2008 on 12:56 pm
Cunts! How can Sumo betray us like this? They’ve even put blue skies in there!
Come on Sumo, you know you’d rather try making this on a ZX-81 than a Sony console.
Whatever happened to those Outrun3 rumours?
August 21st, 2008 on 1:23 pm
Good. I planned on getting a PS3 for Christmas anyway, primarily for Valkyria Chronicles.
August 21st, 2008 on 2:59 pm
Meh. Now that even UK:R has been lost to Sonii and Nyntendo, who’s still standing for Sega?
August 21st, 2008 on 3:40 pm
Hey Zorg, I’ll lend you my PS3, If you lend me your sega Saturn with that copy of thunderforce V….
August 22nd, 2008 on 5:02 am
Without a handbrake peripheral, i couldn’t be arsed anyway! There’s sure to be a Wii port, with the Wii Nunchuck steering, and the Wii Remote as a handbrake. Like the jumping in Mario Kart. C’mon Sumo – MAKE IT HAPPEN!
August 22nd, 2008 on 6:54 pm
Awesome. A driving game for my Blu-ray player.