Kicking off a new series we’re calling ‘Things that Sega are making instead of Dreamcast 2’ is:

His name is Lucky. Lucky is a stupid name. Only stupid things are called Lucky. Lucky is a cat’s name at best. A stupid cat’s name. I knew someone who had a cat calld Lucky. The daft thing was always getting run over. It’s dead now. That’ll learn it.
Here’s a video. The best bit is when the woman tells them to do a hand stand and two of them smash their stupid little faces on the table. One appears to actually fall backwards. It probably dies.
Well done Sega. Don’t bother with Shenmue 3. Just keep spunking money away on things like this instead.
filed in Uncategorized on Aug.04, 2008
August 4th, 2008 on 9:39 pm
You wouldn’t get it. You’re not gay.
August 4th, 2008 on 10:05 pm
For fuck’s sake Sega, flipping dogs have been around since the ’80s.
You have to wonder what goes on in Sega Japan. There’s some cunt in an office who gets given product ideas, and he’ll sit there looking at Shenmue III and Jet Set Radio 3 proposals and then throw them in the bin in favour of a fucking robot dog. Why?
August 5th, 2008 on 12:29 am
Shit, some stranger has HACKED IN!
August 5th, 2008 on 3:19 pm
Whoever filmed that is a fool. If they just tilted the camera up a miniscule more we could of seen the woman behind the dogs, rather then the flipping poodles. Good to see one fucked up though.
August 6th, 2008 on 1:27 am
Yeah SEGA…. get ShenMue 3 sorted!