Forget the “ten year plan” for PS3, here’s Sony’s 30 year plan to burn off any cash its few successes may have earned it, thereby keeping it in the GUTTER where IT BELONGS.

Sent in by James, who is the winner. Well done. We must constantly remind the enemy of all its failings and weaknesses, so it doubts itself and becomes weaker still.
filed in WAR ON PS3 on Sep.04, 2008
September 4th, 2008 on 3:38 pm
As much as I like a good Sony bashing, the DAT walkman was used a lot by journos, as the MD is now.
September 4th, 2008 on 4:22 pm
…and various iterations of beta tapes are still industry standard in film and television.
But anyway, fuck Sony.
September 4th, 2008 on 4:25 pm
Also Betamax was used in the TV industry for years (and actually still is..)
September 4th, 2008 on 4:59 pm
UMD is the only complete failure, although none have performed as well as Sony wanted… and you left off a little thing called the CD.
September 4th, 2008 on 5:12 pm
Additionally, Blu-ray DVDs are a lot more popular and in far more common use than HDDVDs.
September 4th, 2008 on 5:15 pm
Betacam != Betamax
September 4th, 2008 on 5:18 pm
“Blu-ray DVDs” – you have said it all about the ignorance of the consumer.
September 4th, 2008 on 5:33 pm
I don’t like this anonymous option, it’s harder to figure out who we’re cussing :(
September 4th, 2008 on 5:34 pm
Also, man, I was all ready to do the MD sign with my fingers as a shadow puppet on the screen at the back for my entry!
Not even worth doing it now :(
September 4th, 2008 on 5:45 pm
Good job missing the point of a funny joke fellas. Keep it up!
September 4th, 2008 on 6:09 pm
Jesus Christ, there are some Betamax fanboys still alive. It must’ve been so much harder being a fanboy back then, before the internet. You’d have had to print out a fanzine or newsletter containing your views, then distribute it at youth clubs and schools etc.
No wonder Betamax failed.
September 4th, 2008 on 6:37 pm
Well the CD really was Phillips creation, Sony only contributed an ALTERNATE error checking algorithm.
September 4th, 2008 on 6:55 pm
Hey carr,
I’m sorry if facts look like fanboyism to you. Unfortunately you come off looking like a cunt. Have fun with that.
September 4th, 2008 on 7:06 pm
This anonymous posting option has lead to anti Sega/pro Sony people saying what they think! It’s all gone wrong!
September 4th, 2008 on 7:13 pm
Hardy har har…
September 4th, 2008 on 8:59 pm
Meldy said…
Hardy har har…
Oh my god. This is like Christmas. Except for the disapointment.
September 4th, 2008 on 9:28 pm
I’m not a cunt. I’m a responsible comment leaver who toes the party line.
September 4th, 2008 on 9:50 pm
Yes, cunt. I agree with Carr. As far as UK:R is concerned, any sort of pro-Sony fact is fanboyism. This is the law. Now fuck off.
September 4th, 2008 on 10:10 pm
Let’s play a new game. I’ll call someone a name and everyone guess what occasional poster I am.
The anonymous people defending Beta are retarded. This is like saying “hey the Virtual Boy was a huge hit in that is sold well as a door stop.” Maybe none of you grew up with a Beta machine, but my parents bought one. Yeah, great fucking choice. While all my friends were watching all kinds of videoes of things like Thunder Cats, I was left with a grand total of two taped off of TV sets of cartoons. Great. Thanks Sony. And thanks to all the dumb shits here pretending that becoming a small niche product instead of a successful consumer electronic device is “doing well.”
I guess any level of success is considered staggering to a bunch of short bus riding pole smokers like yourselves.
September 4th, 2008 on 11:34 pm
I can finally post.
Who blu-ray is out selling HD-DVD, I own 75 HD-DVDs and 4 blu-ray so how can that be true, I am normal person so much represent the rest of the population.
Lets be honest blu-ray only got to where it is due to the blu-ray trojan (aka PS3) shame that it screws up games loading in the process, you wouldn’t see Sega messing up a games console to try and help some media format would you.
Anyway I have been typing to long so I am back off the play pen pen on my dreamcast.
September 5th, 2008 on 1:06 pm
Listen, fanboys, can we cut some kind of a deal here? All I want is one fucking tiny corner of the fucking internet that is free from your self important, bitter fucking moaning.
Maybe a deal like this. I won’t find your forsaken fanboy sites and post rational or amusing comments; you don’t come to UK:R and twat it up like you twat up eveything else. Sound fair?
September 5th, 2008 on 2:03 pm
*Applauds Badben*
September 5th, 2008 on 2:07 pm
Percy – You’ve posted a comment on UKR, I think that automatically rules out you being ‘a normal person’ as you put it.
I have 2 cats, 1 dog and an infestation of fleas, does that mean cats are more popular than dogs but fleas are selling better than either of them?
September 5th, 2008 on 2:23 pm
Sony Digital 8, Sony Hi-MD, Sony SACD… more trailblazers from Sony's twatmongering R&D departments. Anyone remember them? Face it, it's Sony that can't ever accept industry standards and wants to have it all their way. Shame the PS3 is doing so badly then.
p.s. attention Sony fanboys: PS3 is shit ;)
September 5th, 2008 on 10:33 pm
What’s with all these random comments with facts and stuff?
Let’s just keep it would/wouldn’t, thanks, it’s so much easier.
September 5th, 2008 on 11:18 pm
What, you mean like would/wouldn’t to Sony’s 30 year masterplan? Fine – wouldn’t.
September 6th, 2008 on 6:43 am
Anonymous: Betamax =/= Betacam. "Stuart London" is talking more shit, beta has never been anywhere near industry standard in film, 35mm is.
September 6th, 2008 on 12:24 pm
Didnt sony invent George Michael?
September 7th, 2008 on 12:07 pm
Percy well done for your first comment thou your grammar and spelling let you down. You ruined your first post and showed us all that you’re an idiot
Fucking tosspot.
September 8th, 2008 on 4:44 pm
There should be prizes for witty suggestions for the next ‘great’ proprietary storage device these shitbags are likely to inflict on the world.
My guess would be something exorbitantly-priced that is forcibly inserted into the consumer’s arse: I call it the MemoryFist.
P.S. Woohoo, now I can post using the same name I do on Idiot Toys!
September 8th, 2008 on 7:39 pm
‘Memoryfist’, heh heh… perhaps they could also call it the ‘shitstick’?
September 8th, 2008 on 10:08 pm
GigerPunk you’re talking shit. I’ve got two dogs and one cat. So clearly Dogs are far more popular than cats.
September 8th, 2008 on 10:26 pm
Never seen a BetaMax tape in a TV company but I have sadly seen Beta SP, DigiBeta and HDCam – all Sony tape formats… shame they will soon be done away with because of Memoryfist style tapeless cameras… that will probably burn all the footage on them due to Sony batteries in the cameras.
September 12th, 2008 on 7:40 pm
Nevermind, my point was why take it so seriously. If you like Sony you have got lost if you are here.
No I am not normal and I am a sega fanboy…
Wait a minute that makes this my home, get the f**k out… all of you (except fellow sega fanboys)