Continuing our series of updates in which we attempt to alienate all but the most hardcore of readers by uploading the dullest possible material, we present the work of “Allan” – a man who whiled away the six hours of his EasyJet delay by photographing the inside of Gatwick’s arcade.

“These shameful image-records were captured at Gatwick airport about a month ago. They might work as some sort of filler for a slow news day.”
“I especially enjoyed the Lazy Town lead-filled Chinese clone-toys in the Elaut grabber” – Al.
The most exciting thing about this update is that, we would imagine, photography is not permitted within Gatwick Airport.
Allan could’ve been mistaken for a terrorist.
He may have been arrested and put in a cramped holding cell for 48 hours.
There could’ve only been a shared toilet for him and six others to use.
And several rapists in the same cell.
Then Cream The Rabbit may have been arrested and put in the same cell.
And it was hot in there. So very hot.
So Cream had no choice but to remove her little shoes and socks.
Then her dress.
She smiled at Allan.
Allan smiled back, unbuttoning his trousers.
Cream smiled more, got up and walked slowly over to Allan’s cold steel bunk.
Then one of the rapists got up to use the communal toilet and did a big poo.
The moment was gone. Cream hung herself with a torn up bed sheet six days later, while Allan was transferred to Guantanamo Bay where he still resides today despite protests from his family and the UK government.
filed in Uncategorized on Oct.02, 2008
October 2nd, 2008 on 12:40 pm
October 2nd, 2008 on 12:47 pm
We deserved this….
October 2nd, 2008 on 12:55 pm
Five thumbs up
October 2nd, 2008 on 1:17 pm
October 2nd, 2008 on 1:28 pm
October 2nd, 2008 on 1:31 pm
It’s funny because it’s true. Sort of.
October 2nd, 2008 on 2:12 pm
Anyone who cannot see the GENIUS of this post shouldn't be here. I'm look at you, posters 4 & 5.
October 2nd, 2008 on 3:12 pm
I work in SEGA’s Creative Services dept and I’d just like to point out that the SEGA logo in the first picture is 100% unofficial. Not approved.
October 2nd, 2008 on 3:13 pm
I work in SEGA’s Creative Services dept and I’d just like to point out that the SEGA logo in the first picture is 100% unofficial. Not approved.
October 2nd, 2008 on 3:26 pm
I heard you the first time!
October 2nd, 2008 on 3:56 pm
There is a definite streak of despair about UK:R.
October 2nd, 2008 on 4:06 pm
Sorry… :)
October 2nd, 2008 on 4:24 pm
I actually like these airport updates as long as the pictures are current.
Quite often you have to kill some time and you have seen that the homepage of the airport lists an arcade. And when you’re actually there you walk to this place full of anticipation only to notice that the place has been closed or the only video game is Tekken 2 without properly working controls and some dumb touchscreen games.
So that’s three Sega games at Gatwick. Great update!
October 2nd, 2008 on 5:14 pm
Zorg, have you played Sonic Chronicles? Cream seems pretty determined to have her way with sonic, the one that looks a bit like a bat with tits keeps telling him he should dump cream and fuck her instead, and even big the cat is letting off some sort of love stink when he’s around. it seems right up your street, basically.
(This is only the 1st chapter as well, I imagine the last level is just screen caps of UK:R, with added health bars)
October 2nd, 2008 on 6:09 pm
Pictures of Daytona USA are always welcome.
October 6th, 2008 on 9:51 am
More of this sort of thing, please.