As well as gifting the world the joys of airport-based Cream The Rabbit fan fiction and homoerotic video game developer photography, we have also crafted the following pig-eared collections of words to go on other bits of internet.

  • This thing about Oasis.
  • This thing about when marketing budgets COLLIDE.
  • This thing about innovations in the battery-charging scene.
  • This thing about Sarah or Penny.
  • This thing about a camera we’d have if money was to suddenly become no object thanks to either a series of deaths or robberies.
  • This thing about what happens when you Google the word photocopier, because you can’t not use pictures like this when they come along:
  • Press the red button, Mike

    Another week of this being our job. That’s a 10/10 to us on a personal level, but only a 3/10 for the rest of the poor internet that has to suffer the terrible results.