We bit down, we pulled through. And everything was OK in the end.
This thing which features one of the most astonishing promotional photographs you will ever see. This thing from which you can gain information about what music is OK to like and what music is NOT OK to like. This thing about a PS3 that looks a bit like it’d be nice to have. This thing in which you may accurately gauge how well Nicole Appleton is ageing. This thing about seeing how big things are. This thing about National Stop Running Women Over With Your Car month, because you can’t not use pictures like this when they come along:
A perfectly adequate and quota-achieving 5/10.
filed in Uncategorized on Oct.24, 2008
October 24th, 2008 on 10:23 am
hahah Is Pective just about saying an image is too big/small then? That is pretty addictive. Almost anyone can play!
October 24th, 2008 on 10:46 am
That Nicole Appleton link – why are they hiding a small child behind the woman on the left? Looks a bit nervous going by the body language. And/or needs a pee.
Is this microsofts idea of ‘family friendly’?
October 24th, 2008 on 11:15 am
My BMW E36 didn’t have climate control. Booo.
October 24th, 2008 on 11:27 am
A 6 grand PS signed by a fanboy?….fuck that, have you taken leave of your senses
October 24th, 2008 on 11:56 am
I object to having a “National Stop Running Women Over With Your Car” month. Look at that image, it’s clearly a woman driver at fault. Surely the answer is to have a “National Stop Women Driving So They Can Get Back To Work In The Kitchen” month.
Also, running prostitutes over doesn’t count. I keep trying to tell the police that but they don’t listen.
October 24th, 2008 on 1:23 pm
Energy & Efficiency is funnier than any of the things you linked to. Stop being shy, Zorg, UK:R deserves to see your moustache.
October 24th, 2008 on 3:34 pm
I can’t wait for the eventual:
This thing in which a person actually commented on our content on Tech Digest or Xboxer.
Hang in there, it will happen one day.
October 24th, 2008 on 6:26 pm
I’m shocked and appalled that you’d think a site that lets you see how big or small things are would be useless.
I suggest we all storm the site with life-sized battery photos.