Oh yes. You won’t catch us wearing regulation, common SEGA product produced under license and made available to the general public. Only the finest INTERNAL USE ONLY products are endorsed by UKR.

“A rather interesting, although awkwardly triangular, SEGA Dreamcast bag given to all workers in the European Contact Centre shortly before they pulled the plug on the Dreamcast and the staff’s employment” – Gary.
We like to think such a mint example would fetch upwards of £2000 on eBay. The harsh reality would be more like £1.99.
filed in Uncategorized on Nov.05, 2008
November 5th, 2008 on 12:56 pm
And it even has a pouch for your VMU! (When its batteries aren’t flat…)
November 5th, 2008 on 1:16 pm
SEGA Y-Fronts bag. Hmm, what were SEGA trying to tell us? Anyway, would. Most definitely would ANYONE wearing Y-fronts like that.
November 5th, 2008 on 3:25 pm
I had one of those from a show (ECTS, I think). Lasted longer than the Dreamcast did.
November 5th, 2008 on 4:11 pm
I would quite happily give me left knacker for that bag.
Do we have a deal?
November 5th, 2008 on 5:52 pm
Hey Zorg how about a videogame review, just to be novel?
November 5th, 2008 on 9:55 pm
Go to
Search on Sega Swag -Wii
Copy and Paste images into ad laden website.
Add bitter mocking comment.
Tada! You now have your very own UK:Resistance website.
Be sure to ask people to buy a T-Shirt in an uncaring coy way.
Seriously, don’t update if you got nothing new. It’s less shameful.
November 5th, 2008 on 10:56 pm
Part of Zorg’s collection of Sega products for internal use only
November 5th, 2008 on 11:44 pm
go to
post a smarmy and oh-so-clever comment under either ‘anonymous’ or a gibberish name that looks like a computer error
feel better about your crippling lack of a social life
tada! now you’re a git.
seriously, don’t post comments if you got nothing new.
November 5th, 2008 on 11:52 pm
AT – Throw in a lock of pubic hair and the bag is yours!
November 6th, 2008 on 1:05 am
I still have one of those bags, still holding the clothes I changed out of after a party in 2001 shortly after Sega RUINED MY LIFE by giving up on the Dreamcast.
I’d gladly let it go, along with matching fleece and jacket, if it would fetch enough to rid me of the tear stained past which it represents. Sadly, I doubt it could.
November 6th, 2008 on 2:53 am
kill yourself lol
November 6th, 2008 on 10:18 am
At least 3 postings here fail to understand the buddha-nature of UK Resistance.
I ask you – does the PS3 have buddha nature?
November 6th, 2008 on 5:28 pm
Hey. I’ve actually still got one of those Dreamcast bags :)
They are surprisingly comfortable, and pretty good quality.
I was also given a sleeveless fleece thing with the “Dream On” logo on the back.
November 10th, 2008 on 4:56 am
if either of us should kill ourselves, it should be you, anonymous. you are anomymous after all.
you’re also a huge twat.
November 10th, 2008 on 2:25 pm
I have the man-bag version of that, and a friend has that same one. Served me well for many years, but I stopped using it so it would completely fall to pieces. Was considering sending pictures, but I guess we were beaten to it.