Here’s Pretend Lara Croft 08 Alison Carroll being interviewed by a Danish man. He wants to ask questions about archaeology, which is brave as he can’t really say “archaeology” very well.
She gets “her people” to interrupt and tell him to stop. It is the sort of awesome uncomfortable voyeurism we have come to expect from Lara Croft model interviews.
The video doesn’t seem to be embeddable. You’ll have to watch it old school by clicking on a link. She’s wearing a bikini, if that’s any additional motivation. The sighting was sent in by “Per” who says “Ekstra Bladet is a big daily newspaper in Denmark. Like a light version of The Sun.”
filed in Uncategorized on Nov.06, 2008
November 6th, 2008 on 1:11 pm
That’s fucking excruciating.
Mind you, what do they expect? Coming next; tough investigative journalists ask Gordon Freeman cosplayers tough questions about particle physics…
November 6th, 2008 on 1:27 pm
He probably thinks it IS the real Lara Croft and not one of her stand-in look-a-likiess.
November 6th, 2008 on 2:29 pm
November 6th, 2008 on 2:39 pm
would twice
November 6th, 2008 on 3:24 pm
“i think it might make lara look bad”
no love. you manage that all by yourself.
/donkey punches
/drags to broom cupboard
November 6th, 2008 on 3:33 pm
That was actually painful to watch, I guess it means she might read up before her next press apperance.
November 6th, 2008 on 4:35 pm
God, how embarrassing. Perhaps I should have expected no less mind from a beautiful but grade A chav, but even so. Having said that; would, over and over and over again.
November 6th, 2008 on 5:38 pm
Eidos must have spent weeks drilling her- I mean drilling into her the notion that she mustn’t say or do anything to bring Lara into disrepute.
If she’s sorted that funny thing on her knee out: would.
November 6th, 2008 on 5:44 pm
November 6th, 2008 on 5:54 pm
She’s still smarter than the whole of Girls Aloud combined.
November 6th, 2008 on 6:32 pm
Soooooo true. Cheryl cunting Cole… sheesh.
Word Verification: Culty – One small letter away from describing Cheryl Cole.
November 6th, 2008 on 6:40 pm
The Indiana Jones question was the best bit.
“But that’s a joke!”
The thing is, I doubt anyone even cares whether the ‘real’ Lara Croft (as in, the character in the games) is an archeologist or not, anyway, so I can’t see how she’d make her look bad.
And I’m sure the stylist popping up to comb her hair did a great deal for the strong independant female image.
Karima didn’t have to go through anything like this.
November 6th, 2008 on 7:10 pm
I love the look of sheer horror on her face when he says he wants to ask a few questions – she knows she’s in trouble at that point. Mind you, I wonder how many other Croydon girls would have done any better?
November 6th, 2008 on 7:51 pm
Thats fucking hilarious. The funniest thing is that she’s obviously been told to put on an upper-class accent, ‘raahbish’ but its totally slipped by the end! The Lara Croft model has always been a lame PR stunt, this is comedy gold though
November 6th, 2008 on 8:25 pm
Well, Lara looks like a fucking right plum regardless thanks t that video, so at least make up the answer.
EG; bloke on the Weakest Link was asked “What animal has a hundred legs and its name literally means 100 legs?” His answer? “Giraffe”.
Quality winging there, that’s what this video needed.
November 6th, 2008 on 8:36 pm
I bet she was wanking him off behind the wheely bins five minutes later anyway though. Force of habit.
November 6th, 2008 on 10:08 pm
Someone should ask her why she abandoned the Saturn which was was instrumental in its eventual failure which in turn caused a cascade effect that lead to Sega pulling of the console market. Someone should ask her that.
And then offer her £5 for full sex in the mouth.
November 6th, 2008 on 10:48 pm
This is brilliant, with everyones comments I don’t need to actually go and look at the video to confirm that she’s a stupid vacuous tart with an horrific voice – thus saving me having to buy a new monitor after putting a fist through mine in a fit of rage.
UkResistance = Helping us save money during the credit crunch
Wasn’t Ekstra Bladet the newspaper that had that advert set in a sauna shown repeatedly on Clive James/Floyd/Tarrant on TV? You know the one.
Yes you do.
November 6th, 2008 on 11:49 pm
god this is pathetic…what’s the thing really? Did ANYONE believe that this is the *real* Lara and that she knows archeology? Who cares? Lame questions and super lame attempt at making fame through making others look bad.
November 7th, 2008 on 12:25 am
Why the fuck is anyone even interviewing a look-a-likee model ffs? If she’s expected to have words come out of her mouth and it isn’t scripted then she has to not be a dipshit. Fail.
November 7th, 2008 on 1:17 am
A prime example of the “Hot and Vacuous” variety in its natural environment. Great to see it captured on video for those of us who don’t get the chance to get this close to one.
November 7th, 2008 on 3:07 am
How did the Vikings manage to couquer our country eh?
November 7th, 2008 on 1:29 pm
The Vikings were successful via a combination of technology (navigation, longboats, steel), and a wide trading empire stretching from Greenland to the Caspian sea. Their mercenaries served as far afield as Istanbul and North Africa. They were able to conquer Britain via a combination of guerilla tactics, lack of local organisation and sheer surpris.
November 7th, 2008 on 1:30 pm
What am I thinking! I should just have done the rape and pillage in Croydon joke.
November 7th, 2008 on 3:45 pm
The Vikings explanation was pure win. Have a cookie.
November 8th, 2008 on 12:55 pm
He must have been listening to Howard Stern… he does this stuff all the time so it shouldn’t be much of a surprise. The questions were really tame… she should just roll with them with some off-the-wall answers and not look like a deer in headlights. It could have been much worse.