Man on fancy holiday spots SEGA-related item. Man supplies non-blurry 3400 x 2257 photograph taken on a proper camera, in which you can see that Sony’s slogan for PS2 in Malaysia is “EVERYTHING BEGIN HERE”.
The EXIF data shows the image was taken with Canon EOS 400D and was subsequently modified in Adobe Photoshop CS3. Over to “prosumer” Harry for an on-the-spot report.

“While on a roadtrip around Malaysia a month or two ago, I ended up driving through a town called Segamat. I appreciate that alone isn’t worth a post on UKR (or is it?). Anyway, as luck would have it, it also contained a shop advertising the Saturn. Sadly I couldn’t stop to go explore inside and see how many Saturns they had sold that week :( That’s it really. Sorry. S’gotta be marginally more exciting than yet another Dreamcast-Found-On-Bathmat picture though?” – Harry.
filed in Uncategorized on Nov.11, 2008
November 11th, 2008 on 1:47 pm
The Sony slogan looks a bit more like “SHITTY THING BEGAN HERE”
November 11th, 2008 on 2:43 pm
Great space-age imagery on the sign too. I love the space/computer connection that shops seems to love.
November 11th, 2008 on 2:46 pm
November 11th, 2008 on 2:50 pm
And marginally it is. Well done.
word ver: Ousain. (That bloke that got ‘anged for poisoning them people).
November 11th, 2008 on 3:15 pm
Could have gotten two updates out of this. Drawing our attention to the existence of a place called Segamat would have been a more than worthy update.
November 11th, 2008 on 4:00 pm
I like the blinds on the front of the shop that tell us “Beyond Playstation: Sega Saturn”.
November 11th, 2008 on 4:51 pm
That shop sells more Saturns in a week than Sony has sold PS3s in Japan all year.
November 13th, 2008 on 5:00 pm
“That shop sells more Saturns in a week than Sony has sold PS3s in Japan all year.”
That’s not very hard to say in the whole world, considering.