Sony’s ridiculous GO!VIEW money-costing, TV-downloading service, which we’d be AMAZED if more than 20 people have heard of and signed up for, is luring teenage gamers to the service by… letting them download content from The History Channel.
So if you’re an urban youth who likes to watch documentaries about cathedrals between Need For Speed sessions, this is for you.

Although, to be fair, documentaries about cathedrals are more exciting than the PSP software catalogue.
GO!VIEW and The History Channel to give PSP(tm) users a piece of the past
From ancient civilisations to the world’s greatest air battles, GO!VIEW now brings PSP(tm) users some of the most interesting stories in history with programming from The History Channel. With hours of content available including popular series such as Ax Men, Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire and Dogfights, as well as a range of one hour documentaries, PSP(tm) owners can now take a little bit of history with them wherever they go.
Content from The History Channel is offered as part of the Entertainment subscription pack, available on GO!VIEW for just £5 per month. Continuing GO!VIEW’s commitment to provide great content for its customers, this latest partnership allows PSP(tm) owners to transfer highlights from The History Channel to watch on-the-go and on-demand. What’s more, PSP(tm) users can currently trial GO!VIEW free for thirty days.
Richard Melman, Acting Managing Director of The History Channel says; “We are absolutely delighted to expand and capitalise on the success of The History Channel via this exciting new platform. Now I’ve got an even better excuse to buy a PSP(tm)!”
In addition to the Entertainment Pack, PSP(tm) users can also subscribe to the Sports and Comedy Packs available on GO!VIEW by monthly subscription, whilst selected ‘Movies to Rent’ and ‘Latest TV to Rent’ can be transferred via the rental service. Subscription packs are priced at £5 (€7) for 1 pack, £8 (€11) for 2 packs and £10 (€14) for all three packs. Rental TV is available from £1.50 (€2.00) per episode and a range of movies is available from £2.50 (€3.20) each.
Go!VIEW is a joint venture between Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and BSkyB who have established the joint venture ‘GO!VIEW Entertainment UK’. This is being used to bring the PSP video-on-demand to market in the UK, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Channel Islands & the Isle of Man. Sky is providing their expertise in building successful video-on-demand platforms as well as content acquisition. Sony Computer Entertainment is providing the marketing for the service.
filed in Uncategorized on Nov.19, 2008
November 19th, 2008 on 1:38 pm
Nazi week? It’s always Nazi week.
November 19th, 2008 on 1:46 pm
Fucking hell, the 24/7 Sony bashing is becoming tedious. I’m typing slowly now ’cause I’ve chewed off my right arm out of boredom. UK:R not making a difference since 1996, not worth reading for fucking months.
Mr. Cunty Bollocks
November 19th, 2008 on 1:51 pm
I like sony bashing.
November 19th, 2008 on 1:55 pm
PSP + Outrun Coast 2 Coast = A hole heap of Goodness.
November 19th, 2008 on 2:16 pm
I actually rather like The History Channel.
Their series “digging up a piece of broken pot and re-creating a whole city outside of Bath based on circumstantial evidence” was groundbreaking stuff.
WV: Putzons – Ancient race of Siberian nomadic folk as featured on The History Channel
November 19th, 2008 on 2:20 pm
Exactly Anonymous. It takes a corporate entity as bewilderingly awesome as SEGA to create ‘A hole (sic) heap of Goodness” out of a train wreck. They are so awesome, they even hand picked and mentored a previously little known UK dev studio to do their awesome bidding for them.
How much more proof is needed that SEGA is indeed worth worshipping as the messiah of games?
November 19th, 2008 on 2:43 pm
When did UK:Resistance turn their back on Lumines? I feel betrayed.
November 19th, 2008 on 2:49 pm
Shit, I *still* haven’t gotten around to putting this useless brick on eBay. It’s so dull I can’t even remember to get rid of the thing. Thanks for reminding me, UK:R!
Now, where’s that GameGear…
November 19th, 2008 on 3:21 pm
“From ancient civilisations to the world’s greatest air battles” is clearly a euphemism for ‘Romans and the battle of Britain’.
Crap. Also, imagine trying to acually absorb any serious historical discourse on a bendy bus crammed with commuters. Not exactly the round room in the British Museum is it.
November 19th, 2008 on 3:22 pm
And you’d look like a pretentious bell-end.
November 19th, 2008 on 3:32 pm
Holy shit, that’s Coventry Cathedral. And the only reason I know that is in 2003-2004 and 2005-2006 I used to live exactly a minute’s walk from where that photo must have been taken. Cov Uni ftw, really.
November 19th, 2008 on 3:32 pm
I don’t think the team up is that bizarre. Sony is a failing company soon to be consigned to the history books under the footnote of “cunts” for destroying Sega.
So it seems right that the History Channel start chronicling the dark ages of gaming because the world must know what happened, and never forget.
November 19th, 2008 on 3:41 pm
It’s possible to connect a Game Gear TV tuner to a pvr thingy, using one of those slightly illegal signal broadcasty wossnames. It’s ace.
November 19th, 2008 on 3:44 pm
Surely UKR should be fulfilling it’s purpose and speculating frantically about this:
November 19th, 2008 on 4:44 pm
Rumours abound that Xbox are counter-attacking by signing up the Antiques Roadshow and Last of the Summer Wine. Take that, Sony!
November 19th, 2008 on 4:50 pm
…now if only SEGA could secure the rights to Countdown…!
November 19th, 2008 on 5:12 pm
Looks like someone beat SEGA to it..
November 19th, 2008 on 5:35 pm
Indeed, Coventry cathedral, what a lovely example of ‘world greatest air battles’…if only they knew their history!
Channel 4 Time Team ftw!
November 19th, 2008 on 6:09 pm
As I maintain, PSP games are shit! The only reason I have one and have it chipped is that I can play MegaDrive and ZX Spectrum games on it, other than that it’s pretty crap!
November 19th, 2008 on 10:26 pm
Some days it’s like UK:R writes the entire internet.
November 19th, 2008 on 10:28 pm
Sorry about the long link. Please don’t hate me.
November 20th, 2008 on 12:39 am
This isn’t Sony bashing, it is exposing lies and revealing the truth. You’d have to be in bed with Sony to assume this is ‘bashing’.
Sony sucks balls is Sony bashing.
Sony sucks balls because nutsacks held off buying the Dreamcast on the promise that the PS2 could launch missles into outer-space is revealing the truth. That’s right Sony, the PS2 was a super computer, and the PS3 is so powerful it can do platform games. At least the Dreamcast knew what it was – a beautiful forge for the making of dreams.