It’s nearly dinner time, but this is a new OutRun. The beans can sit there congealing. The beans can FUCK OFF into the BIN – this is a new OutRun! We will remember what desk we were sitting at and what pornography was downloading in the background when these images popped up until the day we die!
It’s OutRun Online Arcade. Its existence was revealed by the Australian censorship people a month ago, but it was such a vague bit of news that it was only deemed suitable to get dumped elsewhere on the network.
But now we have imagery from which opinions may be formed. It looks like SEGA’s making yet another attempt to sell some copies of OutRun2, basically, by redoing the Xbox/PS2 game for online use.
Coming to Xbox Live Arcade. 200 Achievement points in under five minutes.
Also coming to another form of online gaming service that works sporadically on another console. That version will hopefully be marginally worse.
Hopefully, masterful development team Sumo Digital will include some sort of lower-resolution, jerkier frame rate cheat in the PS3 version, activated by holding a few buttons down while it boots up.
Whoever formatted these screenshots for distribution needs severe disciplining. They’re about 100k each – nothing like the file size required to do OutRun justice.
You can see some terrible JPEG artefacting on the full-size versions. It is not good.
OutRun should NOT be SPOILED by JPEG artefacting. When it comes to OutRun, it’s acceptable to email out BMPs and even CMYK TIFFs. We don’t mind waiting a bit longer for them to download. If anything, it just adds to the excitement.
This might mean we get to do another pointless interview with Sumo Digital, in which literally NO FACTS about the game are revealed whatsoever! Like this one. And this one. And this one.
It may also mean that man, whatever he’s called, the one who does the SEGA music quite often, you know, him, is involved. There might also be an interview opportunity there as well. We are already shaking with nervous excitement!
So many fantasies spinning around in our heads right now.
Usually we’d be a bit bored of writing this many captions, but not when it’s OutRun.
20 screenshots, 38 screenshots, 59 screenshots – BRING THEM ON. Resizing images of OutRun games is never a chore. Even the time spent manually inputting the HTML code for the pictures is whizzing by!
The driving featured within the screenshots could be better. We compiled a handy guide to taking screenshots of OutRun a few years back using the PSP version, should you be in the process of taking screenshots for your magazine or blog.
There’s only one other car on the road, here. And the main car is being driven straight at a speed WELL BELOW its potential maximum. This screenshot would NOT have passed the internal UKR OutRun Screenshot Certification process. It’s more than good enough for GamesTM, though.
Glorious. Any excuse to fall back into OutRun2 gratefully received in these dark days.
SEGA’s classic arcade racer returns, but this time it’s in stunning HiDef and available via PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE Arcade for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. Developed by acclaimed Sheffield studio Sumo Digital, OutRun Online Arcade, will be available early 2009.
Test your time, speed and handling ability as you race through vibrant, colourful stages and rediscover the 15 glorious OutRun courses. From the steep streets of San Francisco to the beautiful beaches of California, it’s mile after mile of unrelenting acceleration, thrills and action. Feel the kick as you put your foot to the floor in one of the 10 high-performance, fully licensed Ferrari cars as you race your way across the U.S. to a killer soundtrack.
For the first time on PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE, OutRun Online Arcade delivers online multiplayer racing for up to 6 players, with fast paced OutRun, Heart Attack and Time Attack modes, the draw to the open road has never been so appealing. OutRun Online Arcade on Xbox LIVE will feature achievements and voice; and on PlayStation Network will include trophies, voice over IP and leaderboards.
Which route will you choose on your drive for the highest possible score?
OutRun Online Arcade will be released on Xbox LIVE Arcade and PlayStation Network early 2009. For assets please visit www.sega-press.com.
filed in Uncategorized on Dec.18, 2008
December 18th, 2008 on 6:57 pm
You’ll have to excuse me.
I just had a Magical Sound Shower in my pants.
December 18th, 2008 on 7:02 pm
I can’t think of anything clever to say, so I’m just going for a wank.
Word verification: winging- nearly but not quite wanking.
December 18th, 2008 on 7:10 pm
I’ve been waiting for this post since I saw it on Kotaku earlier.
I’ve been waiting for this game since not being arsed to get an original Xbox to play the last version
December 18th, 2008 on 7:24 pm
I totally emailed this shit in.
December 18th, 2008 on 7:35 pm
How is the full game going to fit on Xbox Live’s 2mb size limit? Remove all the Richard Jacques music? (Hopefully)
December 18th, 2008 on 7:43 pm
2mb size limit? Are you a Sony insider trying to spread disinformation? Or just a bit of a spaz?
December 18th, 2008 on 8:33 pm
Sweet! lets hope they don’t fuck this up! think i’ll dig out shenmue 2 and play the original…
December 18th, 2008 on 8:43 pm
I can has stiffy? I’ve found myself dreaming of a Testaross cabrio this last couple of weeks, so this is very good news.
December 18th, 2008 on 8:45 pm
Thank christ for xbox live. Now I won’t have to buy the original version. If only Sumo Digital would stop PS3 development RIGHT NOW then we could have it even earlier than “early 2009”.
WV: chipspar: where McCabe deep fried oven chips go to shop (if they were alive of course).
December 18th, 2008 on 9:04 pm
December 18th, 2008 on 9:10 pm
December 18th, 2008 on 10:29 pm
This is straight crack…Lord in heaven
December 18th, 2008 on 10:33 pm
I’ve just been playing 2006 on the 360 with its massive emulated loading times… while it was loading I thought I’d check UK:R – awesome!
December 18th, 2008 on 11:53 pm
Looks a bit silly in widescreen though. Check out the super-distorto-rival in the first shot.
December 19th, 2008 on 12:08 am
Outrun’s always been widescreen-friendly, though, so no idea what’s gone wrong in that pic. On the Xbox it was like Halo, where the 3D stuff would be in the proper widescreen ratio but the 2D HUD overlay stuff would be all stretched sideways.
The other screen shots seem ok, just the first one is iffy.
I’m more concerned about Sega’s insistence on mentioning PSN before XBL. I’m hoping they were just doing it in alphabetical order, but at the end of the text they put XBL before PSN. Strange.
Regardless, can’t wait for it. Right now Mirror’s Edge is single-handedly flying the Blue Skies banner, so it’d be nice for something else to help it out a bit, even if I already own it. Ahh, that Sega love…
December 19th, 2008 on 1:09 am
To Be this good takes Bloody AGES !!
Aaaahhhhhhhh…..Magical Sound Shower and Kleenex…enough said !
December 19th, 2008 on 8:59 am
OK, I’ll be getting this on PSN.
where’s Afterburner?
December 19th, 2008 on 10:49 am
Are you sure this is real and someone hasn’t just created this in five minutes using LittleBig Planet’s powerful game creation abilities?
December 19th, 2008 on 11:27 am
Celebratory Wanks all round.
Darthsol, if you are around, I want to have your babies. Although I’m not sure how that would work, and I’m not even gay.
Now where’s that Afterburner Climax port?
Come on, you know you’re working on it.
December 19th, 2008 on 11:40 am
Playing the same 2006 game again?
Not worth it no matter how brilliant Coast 2 Coast is. NOT WORTH IT. Might just boot the old game up (which I regularly do).
I’d prefer a new Outrun instead.. or even SEGA Race TV.
This re-release will do no good for the franchise.
December 19th, 2008 on 11:41 am
I’m intrigued by picture 6, I want to know How Animal Sho…
WV – pringun – a gun that fires pringles
December 19th, 2008 on 2:07 pm
Has anyone spotted Sonic yet? I still love him. I hope everyone has bought the new Sonic bags available in Game!
December 19th, 2008 on 7:02 pm
Yay, Sega are saved! A re-release of a game no one fucking bought in the first place! Who wants Sega Race TV or even fucking Scud Race when you can have the same far from perfect game you don’t play, again!
Please, someone shoot Sega in the head. I would rather they did nothing at all than this depressing bollocks. THE GAME CAME OUT LAST GEN, IT WAS ALREADY ONLINE. NO ONE BOUGHT IT. The more screenshots you put up the more out of date it looks.
To make things even more pathetic, the UKR Zombies are out in force under the impression this is amazing news just because Cmdr Wretched told them it was. Use this to your advantage, get them to send you money or something.
December 19th, 2008 on 8:49 pm
Choke on cock.
December 19th, 2008 on 11:06 pm
A Big Fat One at that!!
word:minsms- Abreveation for th new mini Sega Master Sytstem
December 20th, 2008 on 12:36 am
Even though I have Coast 2 Coast for the Xbox, I’ll buy this for two reasons. One, the backwards compatibility of Coast 2 Coast on the X360 has some bugs here and there. Two, I hope that enough people buy this and Sega gets to work on the XBLA port of Daytona USA 2 I’ve been praying for. You guys understand that, right? Greatest game ever made, period. :-D
December 20th, 2008 on 1:07 am
no PSN release in the US, hoho
December 20th, 2008 on 4:32 pm
yes PSN release in the US, haha
Why are there no high score tables on the x360?
December 20th, 2008 on 8:21 pm
I think that sentence was just necessary since voice chat and achievements are still a brave new world for the PS3.
December 30th, 2008 on 8:52 am
When you say there’ll be no facts revealed in a future interview, you’re forgetting this gem from March:
UKR: The OutRun games are now working on Xbox 360 with backwards compatibility. But not very well.
STEVE: No they’re not, are they? It would be great if somebody asked us to do an Xbox Live Arcade version. Wouldn’t that be great? If only someone would ask us…
You got the exclusive on this nine months ago! Have faith in yourself, Zorg!