Around two years ago… actually, we’ll let Will tell you. It’s his story and his photos, so he deserves the glory. It seems to be where SEGA got the Arabian vibe from for that average-at-best Wii game.
“Around two years ago I stopped you by the coffee machine and told you about a SEGA restaurant, and you demanded photographic proof. As such I took a photo from the top-deck of the number 2, maybe 82, bus that went past it – one captures it in all its glory, the other one is a bit fuzzy as the bus started moving.
“In any case, two years on, it remains evidence of high class cookery under the SEGA brand. I for one hope there are Sonic shaped potato wedges. Or at least that there WERE as I went past the other day and it was called something else. So there you go, two years ago there was a restaurant on Baker Street called SEGA” – Will.
filed in Uncategorized on Dec.23, 2008
December 23rd, 2008 on 1:18 pm
This update should have been saved for Christmas day as a special gift. Truly, it is a high watermark for the year.
December 23rd, 2008 on 1:22 pm
Doesnt it say Dega?
I want it to say Sega, but im not completely sold…
December 23rd, 2008 on 1:29 pm
I doesnt know what its supposed to say
December 23rd, 2008 on 1:30 pm
If it only *looks like* it says Sega, that just makes it even better!
December 23rd, 2008 on 1:33 pm
This makes me think it is LUNCH TIME
I am having some spicy sauce with squids in it on lovely fluffy white rice.
December 23rd, 2008 on 1:37 pm
Worst update ever…
The bottom of the barrel has well and truly been scraped away. You’ve gone through the cheap floor tiles underneath with this update.
Those high brow elitist cunts over at kokortu will be sniggering into their frappachinos over this.
December 23rd, 2008 on 4:10 pm
Fuck Kotaku, all their writers ever post is shit about what they’ve having for dinner that night or boring people about their wife being pregnant. And it’s not even so they can segue into a review of Cooking Mama or Midwife Mama.
How come they’re all “editors” too? Don’t websites have any writers nowadays? They’re all so self-important that they can’t possibly be anything other than an editor?
Finally, one of the home improvement programs I happened across on TV this morning had Dreamcast tiles in the kitchen. I’d have taken a screenshot but at that point I hadn’t booted the PC to look for wank material.
December 23rd, 2008 on 4:34 pm
I’m still sensing keenness for War on Kotaku, Zorg… Just to let you know that I’m still up for it. If it should come to that, of course we all hope that it doesn’t, yeah, etc etc… Got nothing in particular against Kotaku, but war is GENUINELY AMAZING.
December 23rd, 2008 on 5:18 pm
I check kotaku every day. I like it, but i am miffed at the fact that they keep blabbering on about the ‘banhammer’ and being high and mighty about keeping things relevant, yet several posts (particularly the Ashcraft ones) are just like “LOL I LIVE IN JAPAN AND IM HAVING A POO NOW LOL”
They should set up their own ‘life in japan’ blogs for this kind of thing.
I hope Kotaku are reading this, because if i signed up and said this in a thread, i would be ‘ban hammered’.
December 23rd, 2008 on 7:40 pm
Since a lot of people must be bored wanking to the photos above (two maximum), feel free to tug senseless to this:
December 23rd, 2008 on 10:52 pm
December 23rd, 2008 on 10:52 pm
Also ready for war with Kotaku (Kotacky, if we’re still making fun of their name), but I sense Zorg has friends there.
Which one is one where the bus starts moving? I’m guessing the top one but I’m still undecided. I would have expected some comments on the windows reflection by now.
December 24th, 2008 on 12:51 am
Sorry but that was actually an Indian restaurant called Deya, apparently owned by Michael Caine…
December 24th, 2008 on 12:52 pm