SEGA fan spotted staring vacantly into the distance while “living the dream” of attending a music festival. It looks cold and muddy. That bag’s going to get RUINED.

“About two or three months ago now I was at a Scottish music festival when my girlfriend spotted this guy and said ‘Take a photo and send it to UK:R but make sure you tell them I spotted it’.”
“I’d kind of forgotten about these photos as I was in ‘a state’ but I did go and shake the gent by the hand problably drunkenly saying ‘cool bag’ or similar. Anyway, goes to show that SEGA fans like the outdoor music scene as much as the next man and my girlfriend thinks about UK:R a wee bit too much – Robbie.”
filed in Uncategorized on Feb.16, 2009
February 16th, 2009 on 1:31 pm
UK:R thinks about your girlfriend a wee bit too much, Robbie.
February 16th, 2009 on 2:17 pm
I think your girlfriend cared more for mr. sexy legs there on the right. Although we might as well be brutally honest and acknowledge mr. sexy legs probably ís the aforementioned girlfriend. Lucky you.
February 16th, 2009 on 2:23 pm
“It is with huge regret that we are having to part company with several members of our team . They are very talented and extremely likable individuals, however ultimately in the current climate we are faced with no choice but to let them go.”
Zorg is xboxer dead?
February 16th, 2009 on 11:20 pm
Those people are really rocking out, with their hands in their pockets.
February 17th, 2009 on 1:57 am