It’s all a bit foreign, but it looks like some cracked-up tramp has been trying to rob old women using a SEGA Master System light gun. This is our future.

We have a funny story to do with attempted robbery and a SEGA light gun. But we will save it for another time. Possibly a posthumous update to avoid legal repercussions.
filed in Uncategorized on Feb.26, 2009
February 26th, 2009 on 4:45 pm
Thank you Google translator. It was apparently a clear attempt to provide “lulz”. I’m not convinced.
February 26th, 2009 on 4:46 pm
He kept the woman under the threat of the Light Phaser for 10 hours as far as I can understand !
There still was a lot of magic left in this 20+ years old artifact.
This can give the youngsters a hint about how powerfull we were : the world was begging for mercy, in front of us, master system possessors.
February 26th, 2009 on 5:12 pm
So why that, and not the duck hunt gun?
Also, i don’t wanna seem ill-informed, but that looks suspiciously like a spectrum 128k light gun to me, remember the one with “bullseye”? They re-released operation wolf to work with it too..
February 26th, 2009 on 5:12 pm
Taken down by a SWAT team aremed with Menacers, apparently
February 26th, 2009 on 5:24 pm
The Duck Hunt gun? Get your NES-loving arse out of here!
February 26th, 2009 on 6:03 pm
Yeah, the guy is obviously a light-gun connoisseur. The Light Phaser is super accurate and well built, unlike that NES piece of shit. Perfect for taking out (presumably sprite-based) Brazilian policemen.
February 26th, 2009 on 6:04 pm
On a related note, during the afternoon here (after midnight in Great Britain), the only British types on Xbox Live are the chavs or whatever. (i.e. the ones who never pronounce the letter T and every sentence with “innit”.) They are annoying as shit, but really easy to get rid of, as all you have to do is speak Spanish at them. BUENAS DÍAS, MUCHACHOS!
“We knew that SEGA won the console war in Brazil, but of course we could not imagine how many uses their products would have.
And it is in Brazil where, in a clear attempt to provide us with lulz, a man held a 60-year-old woman hostage with the classic Master System peripheral the Light Phaser.
Although the design of the gun is not the most realistic one out there, the standoff managed to last 10 hours. Eventually, the man gave himself up, making the occurrence little more than a scare.”
February 26th, 2009 on 7:40 pm
Zorg why doesn’t the Twitter feed update any more? Whats going on? Can I come and live with you? I’d be your best friend…
February 26th, 2009 on 9:05 pm
I haven’t touched the Twitter feed. Ask the man that does the Twitter feed.
February 26th, 2009 on 9:20 pm
Brazil speaks Portuguese.
February 26th, 2009 on 11:34 pm
February 26th, 2009 on 11:50 pm
This doesn’t look as good stick the words back in the middle :C
February 26th, 2009 on 11:58 pm
It’s all changed! I was so surprised I pulled down hard enough to see I need to clean under the foreskin.
It would be cool if the background could randomly rotate through various blue skies from Sega games…
February 27th, 2009 on 12:30 am
How come has no one commented on the new template?
Unless the above commenter was doing exactly that, of which I’m not quite sure.
February 27th, 2009 on 12:45 am
Hey… is that an old skool Games Master cap he’s wearing? The fuck?
February 27th, 2009 on 12:51 am
it’s actually not too bad. just. different.
February 27th, 2009 on 12:59 am
So, you decided to use absolutely NONE of the lovely banners people made for you?
Tsk, that’s gratitude. Still, I think it looks cool. Careful though, it’s a bit retro games themed.
February 27th, 2009 on 1:06 am
February 27th, 2009 on 1:20 am
And I was just watching the Zillion anime theme on youtube.
for those who dont know, and because they dont know are not worthy of being sega fanbois… Red Photon Zillion was anime in japan that the main character had a gun that was shaped like the sega master system light phaser. also Zillion was a sega master system game.
February 27th, 2009 on 3:19 am
I like it. Excellent use of the traditional Sega arcade font, the Out Run cloured letters, and BLUE SKY.
I feel all warm and fuzzy and. ooh, what’s that? Some of the brasso has leaked out gone all over my trousers.
February 27th, 2009 on 3:51 am
What an idiot! He doesn’t even have it plugged in!
Word Ver: bwmdi
Where the weapons of mass destruction were hiding all along.
February 27th, 2009 on 9:04 am
I like the layout, but UK:R has lost all its brand identity (bold black on red) and now looks like a million other retro-themed games blogs. Hope that makes you feel better, Zorg.
February 27th, 2009 on 9:30 am
February 27th, 2009 on 9:50 am
I like the blue sky. Especially because it actually fades from purple at the top, doubtless using an hblank interrupt to alter the global palette registers.
Obviously a website doesn’t work like that, but that’s how you’ve done it, right? Right guys?
February 27th, 2009 on 10:04 am
February 27th, 2009 on 10:18 am
I thought I was having another acid flashback.
Turns out I’m just having a 1996 Geocities one.
February 27th, 2009 on 10:35 am
Also, the favicon is broken. I’ve now got a shitty orange button on my bookmarks toolbar instead of the cool UK:R one.
So the aesthetics of my web browser are now ruined even when away from the page.
I’m writing to my MP.
February 27th, 2009 on 10:36 am
this is hilarious shit right here, i always used to remember thinking what if someone was so cracked out thier head so much they either A.Used a sms light phaser to rob and steal or B. Used a Virtua Gun to rob and steal, either way SEGA is involved, needless to say i win and so does your mum, by the way the new look is very very shit.
February 27th, 2009 on 10:45 am
Sonic Lives!
February 27th, 2009 on 10:55 am
Are we sure that’s not a ZX Spectrum light gun?
February 27th, 2009 on 11:16 am
And I was oh-so-looking forwards to the chicken dreamcast CD thing as a site label.
Bring back Employee of the Month!
coldkin–I swear the word verifications are trying to tell me something about the people around me these days, the last one was something like twathat or something. Something.
February 27th, 2009 on 11:17 am
February 27th, 2009 on 12:15 pm
There’s a pixel error on the bottom grass bar… (tsk tsk)
And I miss the red- It made me look like a perv in my office when the back wall was satanically lit…
February 27th, 2009 on 12:26 pm
I’m worried about the static background, it looks like a Myspace :(
As for the story, if it was a Sony gun we’d be having a field day. But luckily it’s a Sega gun and so it’s ok!
There’s no way Sega’s implicated at all. It’s not their fault he found a light gun.
I miss the red, too. Maybe, if it’s not too much trouble, you could cycle the design every month or so until we can all agree on a design we like? I say it like we’ve got some kind of collective voice, which we haven’t, but still…
February 28th, 2009 on 6:38 pm
Fucking lame – that is NOT an sms light phaser & it sure as shit isn't a Spectrum light gun, either. I have a Pong machine gun that fits the image perfectly. Yes, I am a bigger cunt than YOU.
Note to self: I hate you all, each and every fetid cum stained one of you
<3 xxx <3
March 3rd, 2009 on 6:14 am
uhasiuhahsiuahiusa Brazil speak Spanish!?? lol idiot, in Brazil speak Portuguese!!!
March 4th, 2009 on 2:38 pm