In January of 2008 Sony sold 269,000 PS3s in America. In January of 2009 it sold 203,000. That’s less. 203,000 is DEFINITELY less than 269,000. We are POSITIVE. Hang on, we’ll just check that. Where’s the link to the adding thing?

Yes. There you go. It’s less. PS3 sold 66,000 less/fewer units this January than last January. So, the ten year plan for PS3 was to have sales peak in year two, then have the business gradually run down to zero over the remaining eight?
Sounds like a good plan to us. Figures, as ever, from GAF.
filed in WAR ON PS3 on Feb.13, 2009
February 13th, 2009 on 3:57 pm
Celebratory wank time. Feel good Friday is back.
February 13th, 2009 on 4:46 pm
I see Zorg isn’t a trendy Mac user then. That’s definitely the adding thing that comes with the Microsoft thing.
Yes, I know I have missed the point of this update but honestly, I don’t give a fucking shit about sales figures or the console “war”. Dreamcast is dead, the war that mattered ended in defeat for us. I am now a cool old-timer cyborg with heroic bitter-sweet tales of losing Tomb Raider 2 but getting a technically interior version of RE1 some how making up for this… (still trying to work that one out this day).
That New House of the Dead looks good though. It’s literally the only game that has made made me look up if Wii’s are in stock in the UK now. They are and still cost £180, so I’ll wait another 3 years (I waited 14 years to play an arcade perfect version of Daytona USA at home, I can wait for this). Made by a British company I think, why aren’t you interviewing them about their success? Or maybe they turned you down.
Might make a change to interview a company that makes original good games, rather than just port good ones and make their own not very good ones. You could hype up Overkill and it wouldn’t even be a blatant lie!
February 13th, 2009 on 4:53 pm
To be fair though, only total cunts go on GAF.
February 13th, 2009 on 6:08 pm
I’m sure some anonymous PS3 owner will be along shortly to remind us all that their latest saviour, Killzone 2 (7/10 thank you very much Edge), will be out soon and will proceed to somehow make the PS3 worth its excessive price tag and make the 360/Wii its bitch, etc.
I might buy a copy of Killzone 2 for my Dreamcast. I can then have more fun moving files around on my VMUs than PS3 owners will be having with the game.
February 13th, 2009 on 6:26 pm
“Raff said…
To be fair though, only total cunts go on GAF.”
February 13th, 2009 on 7:20 pm
Urgh, GAF. Home of the most retarded idiots on the internet.
That said – Vista, Zorg? Really? For shame. All the cool kids are either still using XP or Windows 7…
February 13th, 2009 on 7:30 pm
its just one month out of 12, do the maths when the year ends numbnuts!
February 13th, 2009 on 7:39 pm
Excellent, I’ll be wanking myself dry tonight then.
February 13th, 2009 on 9:32 pm
I was reading this and taking the lid off my bucket of superlube … ready for some eager Sony bashing action, when I thought I’d look on google news at how Blu Ray is doing.
Looks like they’re actually selling some. Then again UMD movies hung around for a short bit too, but Sony Corp succeeded with getting this ‘stupid piece of shit’ format into the high street. Zavvi and Woolies were the first to be destroyed by wasting money stocking Blu Ray and the format war is probably considered a massive success at Sony HQ because only 14 people bought a HD-DVD drive.
Still shame to waste the lube … set calculator as wallpaper, trousers down.
February 13th, 2009 on 11:39 pm
Yeah but killzone 2 will be out soon just you wait. That will change everything.
Didn’t want to let you down Photoboy. I don’t believe the shit I just wrote don’t worry now back to Sonic’s Greatest Genesis Collection for me after I have a good toss to this news.
February 14th, 2009 on 12:39 am
Sony are probably ecstatic though.
What with the Wii selling nearly 700k units, They’ll reckon Nintendo must be losing a shit load of cash.
Oh hang on, they made their machine profitable from day one, and never had drop the price??
WTF? Can’t they play the game – design a useless hunk of shit, charge £425 for it, lose money on every sale, give every dopey bastard at the launch a 46 inch telly, design a next gen title based on Clockwork Knight and put posters for it in every single bus stop in the UK, then continue to piss away cash making a $2 billion loss, whilst funding crap blogs which serve the PS3 community as some sort of group counselling whilst they live in the shadows of existence hanging on for the likes of Jak and Daxter – The Lost Frontier.
Nintendo, what is up with your business model? Can’t you afford a few dead goats for your next launch party? Splash out, stop trying to make profits which you re-invest in your business. Send Shiggsy off to Soapland with some bling bling and Iwata can try Pimp my Corporation.
February 14th, 2009 on 1:09 am
The PC came with Vista. I thought about putting XP on it, but then thought it might be a good idea to stick with Vista so I can have an opinion about Vista and be able to fix mum/dad/the neighbours Vista PCs when they go wrong.
Sometimes you just have to be extremely sensible about things.
February 14th, 2009 on 1:15 am
I tried to put Linux on a laptop that came with Vista. It was my way of saying ‘fuck you’ to Bill Gates. Even though Bill Gates doesn’t actually run the company anymore.
Needless to say, it didn’t work.
February 14th, 2009 on 1:32 am
does this mean people will have to start giving their ps3’s back to sony fo it to look like they’re making a ‘significant lead’ in the console business in a few years? cant say as id object.
February 14th, 2009 on 3:22 pm
I have Vista for the same reason as Zorg (hey, we are so alike! PLEASE MY FRIEND. I’LL CUT MYSELF). Laptop came with Vista and I could not be arsed to put XP on it when I quickly realised Vista is basically the same as XP, once you turn all the shit off. Just don’t use Zone Alarm with it as it tends to crash things to the point you need to hard reset the machine.
Word verification: me come
It know me so well.
February 14th, 2009 on 4:19 pm
All the cool kids are using XP? This is the internet! All the cool kids are at home playing Mario Arselick 4 with grandma, they don’t use computers
February 14th, 2009 on 4:31 pm
Whoa, back up there for a moment Henry's Pussy – what was that about Vista & Zonealarm? I have Vista and Zonealarm as firewall, and my PC has steadily gone from ultra-stable to bollocks, and it's not from going to dodgy sites etc (this, ebay and emails, that's about it for me) – is there some big clash I should be aware of?
February 14th, 2009 on 5:49 pm
Zorg, try putting 5318008 into your calculator and then turn the screen upside down.
see what I did!!
It’s marginally more entertaining than a dreamcast swirl update.
February 14th, 2009 on 5:52 pm
I use Vista, AVG Antivirus and Windows Defender whilst on a router (no need to have fancy firewalls installed on your computer if you’re using a router).
I have yet to receive a virus/trojan that has forced me to reinstall everything. I don’t see why people bother using shitty memory whore software like Norton or Zone Alarm.
Also, this goes for everyone whos machines came with Vista, use msconfig to get rid of the shit that manufactures include with their machines and watch the bootup times speed up. OR – the method I recommend – get hold of a Vista disc and install that with the drivers yourself. That way it won’t come with ANY of the shit that manufactures include.
February 14th, 2009 on 6:21 pm
I like conversations about operating systems.
I’ve never used any virus software. Bareback all the way. It’s fine as long as you’re not a fucking idiot who installs things adverts tell you to.
February 14th, 2009 on 8:29 pm
I’m an American. Ug ug ig! I live in a trench and eat rock shit
February 14th, 2009 on 9:40 pm
Zone Alarm and Vista can cause FireFox to hang. Random links at random times will not load and you have to turn the power off to reboot. ZA also grabs onto utorrent and won’t let go. So at this moment I am using Windows own firewall which may be taking my life into my own hands and will shortly be installing Commodo which all the people in the know use, apparently.
Oh and Sony failing is good. I suppose. It won’t repair the damaged caused by never having played Tomb Raider 2 (even if it was shit). The Saturn emulator SSF is up to version 0.10 now by the way, looks like it runs perfectly if you have a computer fast enough. Dreamcast emulator NullDC works well too, but you can’t use your original discs so it’s all a bit of an unnecessary hassle.
February 15th, 2009 on 1:50 am
I have a sad sad story to tell… I have lost faith. lost faith in zorg’s updates, lost faith in ever seeing my sonic jacket posted. You know what I did? I bought a PS3? thats right, and I love it
i’ll leave your things in a binbag outside the door zorg
February 15th, 2009 on 4:10 am
How can you abandon the Dreamcast in her old age like that? The PS3 might be a younger woman but she’s ugly, fat and wants you to be in Home all the time.
February 15th, 2009 on 11:46 am
I lost faith in ever seeing those big chavvy tits posted.
February 15th, 2009 on 10:40 pm
This will be spun by the retards on NeoGAF as something positive for $ony.
February 16th, 2009 on 3:30 am
Who even uses a third-party firewall nowadays? Both XP SP2/3 and Vista SP1 have a competent one, just be sure there aren’t any ICMP exceptions.
For antivirus software, avast! is the shit. And for anti-spyware, both Windows Defender and Spybot are really good. You can also install and run SpywareBlaster as a passive measure against crap sites, it doesn’t “run” so it doesn’t cosume any resources other than a few megabytes on your HDD.
February 16th, 2009 on 10:28 am
Anonymous sir, please find the big chavvy tits from the weareplaystation which Zorg did not want to post up –
Big Chavvy Tits with Guitar Hero
No idea if that’ll work though, never bothered to try getting a picture hosted before.
February 16th, 2009 on 10:32 am
Hmm, dunno whether that last link worked properly, I really need to get up to speed on this “internets” thing..
Second time lucky for the GH tits..
February 16th, 2009 on 12:53 pm
It worked both times.
WV: Wipharki – errr…. there’s definitely a joke in there somewhere.
February 22nd, 2009 on 11:25 pm
chavvy guitar tits: would