Fantasy gadget. Enables the listening to of the Sonic R soundtrack while simultaneously taking photos of ladies without their knowledge for use later. Also masks your sad eyes.
“Was passing through a service station somewhere in Somerset during the early hours of Wednesday and my interest was drawn towards one of those expensive coin-ops that tempt you with DSs, iPods and Cameras, but give you knob rot at best. Inside, I spotted something dodgy but intriguing. SEGA is currently making sunglasses with a built-in MP3 player AND a digital camera built into the frames” – Matt.
“Now, far be it from me to bemoan SEGA for making products of this calibre, but it’s a little bit sleazy to include a camera in the glasses. If I’m honest I’m a bit of a pervert and that’s why I’m interested in getting a set! Anyway, I thought I’d take a picture as I’m damned if I’m going to get excited about UK:R in public and not take a picture of the bloody things.”
“PS: Camera is a shitty Casio, so don’t EXIF me.”
filed in Uncategorized on Mar.18, 2009
March 18th, 2009 on 1:56 pm
Don’t mean to be funny, Zorg, but what is this shit?
I’ve been visiting this site for years mainly out of loyalty, and still get the ocassional laugh, I admit, but it is getting increasingly difficult.
This is supposed to be a Sega site. Why haven’t you reported on the awesome RadioSega website (http://www.radiosega.net/) that streams in-game music from classic Sega games 24 hours a day? Is that sort of thing not the whole point of this site?
How about the Sega-licenced Blaze re-release of the Sega Megadrive this year in both home and handheld formats (http://www.segaretro.net/)? Does that not warrant a mention?
I could go on and on about stuff like this, but it’ll all probably be a waste of time. I think I’ve made my point.
March 18th, 2009 on 2:29 pm
Ugh, I NEED a pair of these, but they’re only in crappy coin op machines at the moment.
March 18th, 2009 on 2:35 pm
March 18th, 2009 on 3:35 pm
to be honest my enjoyment of this site comes from reading the continually outraged/despairing comments, rather than the updates. how low can the site go, and how savagely can we criticise it each and every week?
March 18th, 2009 on 4:37 pm
Umm, AT… You are aware this is where jaded ex-Sega fanboys go to die, right? People only come here to see the death of the evil Sony empire unfold these days.
P.S. I’d love a pair of those glasses. Yeah, they’d make me look like a cunt, but I’d love to build a wank bank of REAL LIVE women that I know definitely exist outside of the Internet.
March 18th, 2009 on 5:27 pm
We need more pictures of Japanese booth girls.
March 18th, 2009 on 6:31 pm
I recall being promised high resolution rectum pictures next time anyone queried the purpose or quality of the site.
March 18th, 2009 on 8:15 pm
Saw them glasses along with a Sega MP3 player thingy a while back but they seem to be only giving them away in them shitty grabber machines. Sega could sell them glasses for 100 quid and I’d still buy one.
P.S: Even though the new Mega Drive is not technically made by Sega but by Blaze, I’m still getting one, just so I can pretend that I’m buying a brand new Sega console (Which in a way it is – sort of).
March 18th, 2009 on 9:52 pm
I'd buy one of those Blaze systems but the design is really horrid, it's completely missing the style of the MD I & II.
March 18th, 2009 on 10:34 pm
*reads AT’s post and goes to RadioSega*
OMG this is the best thing ever!!
March 19th, 2009 on 2:49 pm
Agreed. RadioSega is pretty cool. Its bizarre, so niche. Swallow your pride Zorg and do an update about it. We can all pretend that we’ve not heard about it.
December 5th, 2010 on 7:08 pm
Here’s another site with desent prices….
Here’s another option….