Be warned. The only way to stop this is to have one of us killed.

“It was never supposed to go this far but a man in the internet told me to do it, so here it is – a photo taken of a photo that I took of your site. That photo being a photo I took of an earlier photo I had taken of your site. The original photo being of a photo I took of a word verification received from your site that was slightly Sonic-related. In brief – a photo of my photo of my photo on your site. This may be getting tiresome for some, but my enthusiasm is only slightly dulled.

“I am quite sure I won’t be able to describe it correctly next time, so we may have reached the end of the road here, but what a ride it’s been. As exciting / retarded as this may seem to some of your readers it’s hard to deny that this was all real, happening right here, right now, on computer screens around the world. The internet was made for this sort of livewire concept and I am humbled to have been a part of it. But for now I must put on some pants and go and feed the cat. Thank you all, and thank you Zorg” – Glen.

“Not wishing to make this all about me, and in an effort to refocus attention on the SEGA-related aspect of this whole adventure, I have placed a number of SEGA-related ‘Easter eggs’ about my computer screen which your keen-eyed readers may like to try and spot”.