Be warned. The only way to stop this is to have one of us killed.
“It was never supposed to go this far but a man in the internet told me to do it, so here it is – a photo taken of a photo that I took of your site. That photo being a photo I took of an earlier photo I had taken of your site. The original photo being of a photo I took of a word verification received from your site that was slightly Sonic-related. In brief – a photo of my photo of my photo on your site. This may be getting tiresome for some, but my enthusiasm is only slightly dulled.
“I am quite sure I won’t be able to describe it correctly next time, so we may have reached the end of the road here, but what a ride it’s been. As exciting / retarded as this may seem to some of your readers it’s hard to deny that this was all real, happening right here, right now, on computer screens around the world. The internet was made for this sort of livewire concept and I am humbled to have been a part of it. But for now I must put on some pants and go and feed the cat. Thank you all, and thank you Zorg” – Glen.
“Not wishing to make this all about me, and in an effort to refocus attention on the SEGA-related aspect of this whole adventure, I have placed a number of SEGA-related ‘Easter eggs’ about my computer screen which your keen-eyed readers may like to try and spot”.
filed in Uncategorized on Mar.26, 2009
March 26th, 2009 on 12:18 pm
Glen wins extra bonus points for supporting Sega by owning a Japanese launch Dreamcast (assuming he bought it at launch and not second hand).
My launch Dreamcast is on its last legs and will need to be replaced soon. Thankfully all the money I saved by not buying a PS3 means I might be able to get some sort of special edition Dreamcast in a different colour.
March 26th, 2009 on 12:33 pm
I have seen infinity, and it is retarded.
March 26th, 2009 on 12:54 pm
My pic didn’t show up yesterday, so I’ll add to it.
fuck zorg, and fuck glen
March 26th, 2009 on 1:05 pm
I’d do her
March 26th, 2009 on 1:13 pm
The next picture will have a bit of the mirror within a mirror effect that you were hoping for, Glen, so it’s well worth persisting with this. It has INTRINSIC VALUE. And Ben doesn’t like it. People called Ben are shit I’m afraid.
March 26th, 2009 on 1:16 pm
Are we supposed to still actually like Sega here? I thought we were all just being ironic.
March 26th, 2009 on 1:23 pm
Okay okay. I think I spotted the easter egg. Is it that statue of pink haired chun-li with the orange dress?
Did I win?
March 26th, 2009 on 2:04 pm
I can't believe that you STILL haven't posted my excellent submission regarding homebrew iMac compatible dog vagina wallpapers.
Unless you're saving it for some kind of 'Best of Rare & Unreleased 2008 Content' super-post.. Did I send it too you in 2008? I really can't remember. It's after 11:00, so I'm pretty well drunk at this point.
March 26th, 2009 on 2:07 pm
Apologies for offending the Queen’s English with my ‘too’ error. Again, drunk.
March 26th, 2009 on 2:25 pm
If this gets any more exciting I’ll have to slit my throat to avoid perpetual orgasm.
March 26th, 2009 on 2:44 pm
best post ever.
March 26th, 2009 on 3:44 pm
Would . . . wait, am I using that properly here?
Also, my name is “Glenn” as well but properly spelled seeing as how I’m not a valley of some sort.
And one more thing, a number of years ago my wife not only made me a pink pillow in the shape of a Sakura Taisen SEGA Dreamcast controller but also a cross stitch of the Japanese SEGA Saturn logo. Perhaps I should send in pics? I could include pics of the pillow and cross stitch too if you’d like? The camera’s a Sony though so I’m not so sure :-(
March 26th, 2009 on 6:28 pm
Keep going until some tits appear.
March 26th, 2009 on 8:37 pm
gar3, pictures of the wife naked, save for the aforementioned DIY pillow.
Whether or not you obscure her face is entirely up to your own discretion.
March 26th, 2009 on 11:47 pm
What’s up with your cuticles Ben?
I can spot Golden Axe II for Megadrive so I think he’s still being ironic here.
March 27th, 2009 on 12:06 am
Is that Ulala figurine part of the never-launched (as far as I was aware) series? I really wanted the Pudding one.
March 27th, 2009 on 12:26 am
Just a shame though you are using IE lol
March 27th, 2009 on 12:51 am
her names egg monroe shes older
March 27th, 2009 on 6:08 am
*claps enthusiastically* AGAIN! AGAIN!
March 27th, 2009 on 10:26 am
Would you trade your Shining Force 3 for a metric shitload of un-marked cash? If so, I’ll be in touch.
March 27th, 2009 on 11:10 am
what’s wrong with my cuticles :(
or my name
:( :(
March 27th, 2009 on 1:38 pm
Well done Ben you remembered to close all your porn tabs and make sure none of your bookmarks were to porn sites. But did you find ‘anna r’ on Facebook and is she fit?
March 27th, 2009 on 2:38 pm
Keep going, this is all I ask.