Photos (misc) supplied by readers (assorted) of a standard (acceptable).

From another “Dan”. Dan seems to a more popular reader name that Chris these days. Must be a new wave of youth readers we’ve had come in since upping the amount of swearing and colours on the main page.
From someone who wants to be known as “DACHAZ”. It’s of a church somewhere.
From a man who wants to be called “Dreddnaught”. It’s something of his wife/girlfriend’s.
From a “Bob”. It’s one of those devices that lets you count down how many days you have to go until you’re allowed to rest peacefully for all eternity. A calendar.
From another “Dan” amazingly enough. It’s a carpet somewhere in Budapest. This is such a great photo it was very nearly spun-off into a separate update complete with East European cleaning staff friction burn sex fan fiction.
Promotional tat currently in the possession of a “Steve”.
From a “Chris” who would appear to be planning his return to the dating scene and is investigating ways to get his hair back to its former glory.
From a “Richard” who sent an extremely long and detailed explanation and several other photos. Thanks for all that, and sorry.
And finally, a return to an alternate “Chris” who will be attempting to numb whatever parts of his body are still capable of feeling pain with this tonight. Well done, everyone. It’s nice to know we have at least NINE entire readers left.
filed in DREAMCAST LOGO IN REAL LIFE on May.01, 2009
May 1st, 2009 on 5:41 pm
This proves that the Dreamcast was the main inspiration of Renaissance architects. Screw all this stuff about Greek people fleeing to Italy after the fall of the Byzantine Empire brining along their culture and old ROman and Greek knowledge. Clearly the Dreamcast travelled back in time to ensure that humanity would advance enough to eventually build it.
May 1st, 2009 on 6:26 pm
That update was well worth checking back every day for 3 days for.
May 1st, 2009 on 6:33 pm
It’s always a crushing disappointment to see another fucking swirl update. You’ve only got 10 readers (the 9 plus me) left because of the cancer that is the swirl updates.
I think it’s a cunning ploy from Sony; they’re sending you all these pictures knowing it’s destroying UKR from the inside. You’ve become a place that some low rank Sony cretin uses to post pictures of the packaging his wife’s sex toys come in.
They’re probably responsible for those Egg Monroe comments too.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
May 1st, 2009 on 6:50 pm
You do realise that the spiral is what the Nazi swastika is based on right? Obviously the Swastika is based on an even earlier symbol originated from India, but that still makes you Nazis.
May 1st, 2009 on 7:07 pm
P.P.A. I feel I’m being lectured by Doc. Emmett Brown in classical architectural works. Either that or Lawrence Llewelyn-Bowen on acid…
May 1st, 2009 on 8:07 pm
I believe I requested to be credited as Mr. I-can-still-genuinely-satisfy-a-woman-Smith.
You bunch of cunts !
May 1st, 2009 on 9:00 pm
With the Orgaster Super Vibration unit, you too can cause a G-Spot Pornography Eroticism Skinship Scandal.
May 1st, 2009 on 9:01 pm
I call no spiral on the Orgaster.
May 1st, 2009 on 11:17 pm
I have an urge to stick my cock in picture number four. Am I a bad person?
May 2nd, 2009 on 12:26 am
How do you know those 9 readers are “entire” and not missing any crucial body parts, such as for example brain?
May 2nd, 2009 on 12:59 am
Thanks… i now have headaches .
May 2nd, 2009 on 7:32 am
LOL @ the swirls in the hair of the female character on the packaging of the Orgaster vibrator. Brilliant!
May 2nd, 2009 on 12:41 pm
That church is fucking awesome.
May 2nd, 2009 on 6:21 pm
My email in full :
My wife recently bought something from Japan. I didn’t see said item in question, and the box is all in Japanese. I’d ask my wife what was in the box but she’s upstairs in the bedroom praying really loudly, I never even knew she was religious ! But she seems very happy up there so I don’t want to disturb her.
The only english words on the box are ” G-Spot, Pornography, Eroticism, Skinship and Scandal”, which I think are the names of the new Power Rangers, except I’m sure Eroticism was replaced by Buttplug halfway through the last series. Oh and “super vibration”. Maybe it’s a new controller …which DOES makes sense actually cos she went mental a half hour ago looking for some batteries……
But I digress. I actually found this box in the bin, under a lot of other stuff, and I was surprised she never brought it to my attention, because take a look at the ends of that cartoon lady’s hair…
Dreamcast Swirl !!!!
Has SEGA taken to adding their cherished emblem to cartoon ladies split ends on mystery boxes ???
I think she’s the Pink Ranger. Her outfit certainly has changed. What would Zordon say….
Anyhoo, if you use this, credit me as Mr. I-can-still-genuinely-satisfy-a-woman Smith.
May 3rd, 2009 on 12:02 am
Nine ENTIRE readers left? Are the rest of us multiple amputees?
May 4th, 2009 on 6:55 am
I’m not entirely proud to be a reader. That must mean that I’m only a portion of a reader…?
May 4th, 2009 on 4:40 pm
My right arm likes UK:R – especially PS3 shipment updates – the rest of me feels a certain level of disgust and revulsion. So what am I? One tenth of a reader?