Seeing as we’re massively and somewhat inadvertently popular on the gay scene right now thanks to last Friday’s sexy bit of soaped-up TWINK action, here’s another couple of photos of MMMMM LOVELY HIM for you all to… do the things you do… with. Over. To. Whatever. However it works.
If you told us five years ago we’d be putting photos of men on the internet and using the phrase “TWINK” in a well-meaning but slightly incorrect fashion, we’d have slapped you theatrically across the face with a red slipper then spent a bit too long insisting we’re definitely not that way inclined.
You can’t quite make out the shape of his testicles or penis through those ridiculously baggy jeans. Sorry about that, new gay followers. We’ll put in a request to Sony for more cock action in future.
There’ll be another one of that woman along in a few minutes. We are not forgetting our roots.
filed in PROMOTIONAL IMAGES on Jul.07, 2009
July 7th, 2009 on 10:01 am
Sorry, but what is Twink? I’m aware it’s probably something I’d rather not know about but I feel that I ought to at least make the effort to be polite and find out.
July 7th, 2009 on 10:17 am
Why not do a safe-search-off Google Images search? Best if you do that on an office computer…
July 7th, 2009 on 10:20 am
Its gay slang, for describing a young good looking gay man!
July 7th, 2009 on 10:23 am
He’s in for some major mugging and back alley buggery in no time.
July 7th, 2009 on 10:27 am
The only man for me is Richard Jacques.
July 7th, 2009 on 11:03 am
Seriously, who uses a PSP as their ‘main’ music player? Especially when they’re wandering around a market. Sony really have no idea.
July 7th, 2009 on 11:04 am
And he’s good looking then is he?
Tch, and there I was thinking Wilf Lunn and Dick Strawbridge were the epitome of manliness, rather than this belming skinhead with the cro-magnon brow ridge.
While we’re at it, can anyone explain why Justin Timberlake is supposedly so good looking? Johnny Depp I can understand. Timberlake and that bloke up there I just can’t fathom at all.
Why’s he got his headphones tucked inside his shirt btw? Is that how people wear these things in the big city to avoid people snatching them off you or is it a secret code, like hankies hanging out of back pocket, speaking polari and being camper than a sale at Millets?
July 7th, 2009 on 11:13 am
He’s wearing a stethoscope to make sure his cock is still there.
July 7th, 2009 on 11:18 am
Caption for the first picture
“Ohhhh yes, I’m lookin’ right nice. Everyone is finkin’ I am wicked cuz I got mah PSP in me hand. I love being me”
July 7th, 2009 on 11:43 am
Caption for the first picture:
‘Fucking twat’.
Caption for the second picture:
‘Fucking twat’.
July 7th, 2009 on 12:12 pm
He’s not listening to Music. He’s in the middle of a MSG cutscene and he thought he might as well leave the house while it drones away and at least get some shopping done.
Is there a brian-achingly long, dull and shite MGS PSP franchise? See, I don’t know and this is one instance where I’m happy to proclaim my ignorance.
All my other ingnorances; I’m not happy about them :(
July 7th, 2009 on 1:15 pm
Thanks for the pics, you DO have gay readers eh! More please.
July 7th, 2009 on 1:23 pm
I think he’s walking around with his PSP on show because he “well ‘ard” and not afraid of 14 year old kids in tracksuits like us.
July 7th, 2009 on 9:23 pm
He’s so gay that the words “queer” and “bent” are starting to form in the sky next to him in the first picture.