Everyone was excited about Gameswipe, because it looked like being a bit of “proper” games TV. As in, it might have interesting opinions and views, rather than being a woman with a passable face talking about the new promotional footage they got sent over from EA to illustrate the week’s new releases.
If you can make iPlayer work where you live, you can watch it here. The ace opening titles are highlight #1.
First of all, we had to remember what room of the house the television was in. Where was it last? When did we last watch anything LIVE as it was broadcast on the common people’s entertainment medium?
It was in the bedroom, in the corner there underneath all the clothes. Now, the remote control… and what buttons do you press to make it work? Right. Gosh, look how many new channels there are these days. Anyway…
Charile’s got a wonky face, used to work on a games magazine and is angry all the time. He is one of us. He’s so much like one of us that he really shouldn’t be allowed to do nice things, like be on the television where women will get to look at him.
But he was. And as of this morning, Gameswipe’s the #2 most popular thing to watch on iPlayer. Let’s try not to be too angry about those facts and attempt to review the programme impartially.
We were terrified it was going to be shit, as that would make it look like we’re trying to be all cool AGAIN by saying something popular’s shit on the internet to get attention.
But it wasn’t, and cheering was heard from all the houses in the street when Sonic appeared at the 6:28 point. It looks like Gameswipe is going to be OK!
Gameswipe did one thing very well – it articulated the puzzling way games are VERY POPULAR WITH EVERYONE, yet no one seems to know how to put them on telly. And when they do get on the telly, it’s usually some idiot who doesn’t understand them who’s been given the job of talking about them.
There’s some brilliant archive footage and TV adverts in it, including this seminal shot of Dave Perry and Big Boy Barry. Charlie said something funny about this moment. We won’t attempt to appear funny by association by reproducing it here.
It also managed not to be ironic about the old days. It was factual when it needed to be. A bit too much like a catalogue listing products in places, but for the adult, arty, BBC4 audience it was aimed that, that was what it had to be to make them understand.
Don’t usually like this man, but he made a good point about giving up after 11 percent. Even the Castle/Consolevania men were acceptable.
He calls 50 Cent an embarrassing piece of shit, says MMORPGs are rubbish and isn’t exactly holding himself open for Wii. Job done. We won’t spoil any more, just in case you’ve got a torrent on the download and it’s what you were planning on doing tonight.
Definitely not shit. Probably the best and fairest games TV show there’s ever been, even including all those episodes of GamesMaster that are better in our minds now than they were when they came out. Wouldn’t mind a whole series of it, please, if there’s any budget leftover from paying celebrities to dance about.
filed in "NEWS" on Sep.30, 2009
September 30th, 2009 on 12:41 pm
I wanted to like it, because I like Mr. Brooker and I’m grateful to see games covered by a grown-up. It drew some laughs but made me feel uncomfortable.
I watched it with my wife, who hates games for multiple reasons (mainly because I like them and used to play them a lot). I was hoping it might show some pleasant sections of games, or some aethetically elegantly designed games, or some bits of games that are recognised as intelligent, stunning and affecting entertainment (these DO exist by the way. They BLOODY DO). This is because Charlie is funny and successful, so if he liked them I was hoping that my wife might accept that they aren’t specifically made for losers.
It didn’t show any of this. It briefly mentioned some good early games, but to non-gamers these look like undecipherable semi-animated hieroglyphics accompanied by brain damaging bleeping, so carry no weight as evidence of gamings great past. Then, the only modern games it showed were ones that were either repulsive (50 Cent), unremarkable but apparently ALL ABOUT CHOPPING PEOPLE UP (Wolfenstien), good (but ALL ABOUT SHOOTING PEOPLE IN THE FACE AT CLOSE RANGE (COD4), or apparently decent but I’ve never played it AND IS FULL OF VISUALLY DISTURBING MEGA VIOLENT SLAUGHTER (Madworld).
Charlie started by lamenting the outstandingly one dimensional and tiresome press image and majority opinion about games and gaming, but the rest of the program powerfully reinforced that image. I don’t care how much ‘irony’ the Madworld section contained.
Maybe if he got a series he’d have time for a more considered approach, but I don’t think it’ll happen. An opportunity missed.
September 30th, 2009 on 12:49 pm
Yes! Was absolutely brilliant, not just because it was actually good but because I finally felt there was something on TV for me, rather than having to just make do with repeats of buzzcocks or mock the week…
Bit odd that the same footage of the guy playing the ‘new’ tennis game was the same footage as had been in the show just prior to gameswipe – maybe when they went down to the archives they found that tape sticking out slightly from the shelf?
Never thought of Dara as a gamer, definitely came across as genuine rather than someone trying to fake it, as is usually the case.
Sod a new series, give Charlie a whole channel – not like there’s anything decent on bbc3 after all. (Also watched this weeks “Would I lie to you?” last night too, which Charlie was on too so a fun brooker-filled evening)
Yes, I love Charlie Brooker.
And I’m not ashamed.
September 30th, 2009 on 12:53 pm
Oh yeah, forgot – Like Badben, I watched it with the wife too – she however kept getting distracted by something on the end of the third shelf down behind Charlie on his sofa constantly disappearring and reappearring between shots. (It’s missing in both shots above so can’t compare)
Anyone else notice this? Anyone else find their enjoyment of the show ruined because of it?
D’you think Charlie’s on the lookout for a new continuity person?
September 30th, 2009 on 1:27 pm
September 30th, 2009 on 1:38 pm
Brooker’s great, everything he’s worked on has been great. I’d watch a channel exclusively compiled of his shows.
He’s basically the only person in mainstream media that I could see hosting a show of this nature. Give him a series you swines!
P.S. There won’t be a series, he confirmed there won’t on his Twitter feed :/ Maybe another one-off though, or there’s the option of integrating it as a section of Screenwipe.
September 30th, 2009 on 1:43 pm
Ah so it’s not just me and Mrs Finge who only watch NMT Buzzcocks and Mock The Week. And yes, Dara is a high functioning geek.
Oh and if this happens again, it needs Bouff in it.
September 30th, 2009 on 1:56 pm
Yeah, but NMT Buzzcocks has got that cunt as the guest host this week, so that’s one of the two regular “UK:R Reader + wife Certified Acceptable” programs out the window. WHAT WILL I DO FOR ALL THE OTHER HOURS?
September 30th, 2009 on 2:10 pm
This definitely needs a series and Dara has always seemed like a geek.
Also, Buzzcocks has been going downhill since Lamarr quit. Mock the Week is still good though.
September 30th, 2009 on 2:14 pm
Badben said:
Yeah, but NMT Buzzcocks has got that cunt as the guest host this week”
Well, that certainly narrows it down.
Graham Norton? Robert Kilroy Silk? LordVonPS3?
Have you tried Cookery programs? When’s Nigella’s next series starting? That’s always worth a go – they even provide a handy excuse as to why you’re dribbling and mumbling to yourself about things looking delicious. There’s apparently some cookery going on, aside from all the flirting to camera.
Or maybe a yet another repeat of QI on Dave that you’ve memorised to sound witty and intelligent?
Getting back to Brooker, did anyone here notice the music playing while he was showcasing nasty violent games – a cover of Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game”.
Very clever Charlie, I chuckled at least.
(Though don’t know why I’m saying that here, find it highly unlikely that even a self confessed misanthrope like Charlie would want to risk being seen hanging round here…)
September 30th, 2009 on 2:26 pm
I highly recommend Screenwipe and Newswipe for anyone who hasn’t seen them. Best things on British TV atm.
I also believe Mr Brooker has kindly uploaded all the episodes to Youtube.
Also, I’ve gotta recommend Nathan Barley (co-written by Brooker with Chris Morris) – that comedy is so underrated.
September 30th, 2009 on 2:35 pm
I recommend the phone calls he made to games companies in the late 90’s for Pc zone. They’re on youtube.. if u know how to use a search box…
September 30th, 2009 on 2:50 pm
Oh god no, they were cringe-worthy.
Made me cringe anyway. Spent too long in the past manning helpdesks to be able to laugh at someone sounding mentally deranged bellowing at some poor phone-jockey not to shout at their kid.
Don’t remember any of the other pranks.
Still, funnier than Culky was.
September 30th, 2009 on 3:13 pm
No, none of those. It’s that fat cunt, you know… cuntsisface… erm…
Anyway, we do watch cookery shows. And QI. But listing what the wife and I actually watch together struck me as a bit beyond the pale. Like the bit about Amy Rose’s poo and belly buttons; a step too far.
September 30th, 2009 on 3:15 pm
Hey, you asked.
September 30th, 2009 on 3:42 pm
Just searched to find out which fat cunt you meant. Not Russell Grant then, the other one who’s even less funny. Horne or Corden, I’ve forgotten already which is which.
And David Walliams too? Oh be still, my beating heart.
September 30th, 2009 on 3:57 pm
Other than that O’Brian bloke, the guests were fucking terrible.
September 30th, 2009 on 4:23 pm
It’s also doing well to remember that Brooker does a lot of good smearing on behalf of ‘proper’ games from the ivory tower of his Guardian column, and his bit in the Guide too. There’s plenty of Brooker-esque thunderbolts thrown at Wii tat, which is always nice to read. I agree that the guests were bastards (except Graham Linehan who is entirely awesome in every way and most definitely made the funniest and most incisive jokes of the episode, outshining even Brooker). That other Irish guy is an opinion-hungry totem-worshipping non-gamer, basking in the fringe cool of Brooker, and last night he just slagged off even ‘proper’ games for ages and thus did not deserve a place on a programme which archly tried to make a case for ‘proper’ games. And the Consolevania pair are right gobshites. I couldn’t handle their voices let alone their opinions.
September 30th, 2009 on 6:00 pm
I haven’t’ watched it yet, but feel left out of this manly gamebang.
September 30th, 2009 on 9:11 pm
Is big boy barry still alive? Surely a heart attack waiting to happen.
I’m surprised LordVonPs3 hasn’t commented on how it didn’t mention videogame genesis began with the big bang that was Gran Turismo.
September 30th, 2009 on 9:32 pm
Big Boy Barry works for Mad Catz…
Sadly Gran Turismo wasn’t the genesis of video games, or even racing games, but I do remember Pole Position very fondly indeed.
October 1st, 2009 on 3:19 am
Anyone see my name in the end credits? 8-D
But it was a very very good show, if only all gaming shows had someone like that instead of some stupid bird who knows fuck all about games blithering on getting basic facts wrong.
speaking of which… Rob Florence. Jet Set Will doesn’t have a wife. That’s his housemaid Maria. I thought you of all people would know that >.>
October 19th, 2009 on 7:35 pm
Going back to (one of) my (many) previous comments where I said “…find it highly unlikely that even a self confessed misanthrope like Charlie would want to risk being seen hanging round here…”
I stand corrected.
About halfway down, shortly after he mentions liking Kieron Gillen.
(Which reminds me, is he still the enemy these days Zorg? I find it so difficult to keep up and this makes things very confusing. I notice “the-player” is looking rather forlorn and neglected, with the front lawn uncut and covered with ads and several pints of off milk on the doorstep; have you checked on them lately?
Does that mean Round 1 to us? Or is UK:R going to be following their lead and is now going to be released in a groundbreaking zipped pdf format before disappearing entirely?)
Anyway, back to the point – Come on then you lot, own up, which one of you bastards is Charlie?
I reckon it’s Weatherbox.
Outside chance it’s Badben
October 22nd, 2009 on 6:31 pm
You may like Charlie Brooker now (with only a little trepidation). Because Charlie Brooker said
“Having said that, I like reading Kieron Gillen’s stuff and things like UK: Resistance and Yahtzee on The Escapist.”
Charlie did som nice reviews 10 years ago:
These days he’s getting paid better. He is fantastic. Like you Zorg. And you Yathzee.