Finally! The “killer app” to help PSP cement its place in gaming history as having a slightly better catalogue than Gizmondo. Sony shouldn’t have printed up the case inlays all those years ago, as “Passable 6.8” would make a GREAT quote for the box.
Well done, Chris Roper. You will have been expected to blindly love it, yet you bravely didn’t. If we had any merchandise left you’d have just won some of it. Sent in by Mr “Shine”.
“…it pains me immeasurably to say that this is a greatly disappointing release”
“…I’m having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that this isn’t a great (or even just good) game”
“…the driving mechanics are great, if somewhat dated”
“6.8 Passable”
filed in ACTUAL GAMES, ENEMIES on Sep.16, 2009
September 16th, 2009 on 10:07 am
85 ratings and it’s still NR?
I’m gonna go give it a 10 and hope I pope the display cherry.
September 16th, 2009 on 12:06 pm
Hey lets not start throwing any stones here. In 2 months time we will probably be seeing the exact same artical with the exact same score (probably lower). With the only difference being a fat blue rodent being the main star of a lame driving game.
September 16th, 2009 on 12:11 pm
“isn’t a great (or even just good) game”
So why then go on to give it “6.8 Passable”?
Poor game = 5 or less
Good but flawed game = 5-6
Average kinda ok game = 6-7
Really good but afew niggles fans of genre could ignore = 7-8
The score all marketing people want the game to get, regardless of quality = 8-10
So why the hell has he given it 6.8 if in his own words it’s not even ‘good’?
September 16th, 2009 on 12:17 pm
Because if it got less than 6.0 I’d imagine IGN could kiss goodbye the chance of getting any Sony review code again (for the next three months, at least).
I’m in awe of that review. Usually these shit first-party “products” are bankers for a fence-sitting 8/10.
September 16th, 2009 on 12:23 pm
GT5 is going to be shit as well. It’s going to be GT4 with apparently polished graphics that, in practice, don’t actually place the cars as believably in the world as GT4 and the PS2 managed.
The problem with this is I hate that likely fact and I’m gutted. I don’t really play games any more; me switching on a console becomes more and more like a bald statement of no interest in what my family is doing or any of the endless work that needs to be done, this situation only gets more pronounced as time goes by so I hardly ever hit the on button these days. BUT! I was going to make an exception for GT5, dammit! Now I’m having to seriously face the fact that Sony genuinely are cunts and they are genuinely bound to screw GT5 up.
Seeing as I’m not willing to invest gaming time in anything else any more (I don’t even keep up with what’s supposed to be any good), Sony, with their lazy arrogance, have in fact ENDED MY GAMING FUTURE.
September 16th, 2009 on 12:41 pm
It’s called “a life”, Badben. Hug?
September 16th, 2009 on 12:47 pm
Hug :(
September 16th, 2009 on 1:20 pm
Have you not been in this game very long, Giger?
Poor game = 7 or less
Average = 8
Really quite good = 9
Must buy = 10
That’s how it has worked for as long as I can remember..
September 16th, 2009 on 5:09 pm
Mr “Shine” is my Dad, everyone calls me Shine :)
September 16th, 2009 on 5:24 pm
I’ve been in this game (i.e. playing games) since before Beamrider and Attack of the Mutant Camels on the c64 and long ago learned to make up my own mind about these things rather than blindly following what Julian Rignall (or whoever) said at the time. I’d still be wary of a “Must buy = 10” score though, mainly because of what Zorg pointed out about if they don’t give a score above 6 or 7 they’re not going to be getting anymore exclusives for a while. Kinda like that hoo-ha with the Gamespot Kane & Lynch review a while ago.
Going by your score rating, Phil, Earth Defense Force 2017 (metacritic score 69) is a poor game, as is Space Giraffe (68) but I’ve had far more fun playing them than say, Assassin’s Creed (81) or Halo 3 (94).
And yet, strangely, there’s more blue sky in Halo3 than in Space Giraffe…
September 16th, 2009 on 6:21 pm
Gran Turismo has always been a pile of shit. It looks good (if not a tad washed out), but after 10 minutes the boredom sets in. Bland, stale, grey, dry, plain, shit. For auto-aficiawankers only, who don’t know about games and buy it only to pretend to be driving cars they won’t ever own. The lecherous Jeremy Clarkson types who attend motor shows and try to touch the ‘glamah modews’. Sells millions purely on the strength of it being exclusive and looking realistic. No one actually plays it a week after release.
As usual with the gaming press, it takes years before untouchable (ie exclusive) franchises finally get a realistic appraisal. If the PSP was selling well and had a ton of great games on it, this iteration of GT would have scored higher while being identical in every way.
And who reads IGN any more? Youtube, ‘man in early 30s sitting on sofa against a bare wall in an echoey bedroom’ is where the cutting edge of review based journalism is today. You should get into that lark, Zorg. The pay, however, is non-existent.
September 16th, 2009 on 8:22 pm
That passable already stinks of Sony’s pestilent money.
September 16th, 2009 on 11:34 pm
What gaming future? Nintendo dumped its fanboys (thank god, I hated those guys) for fat middle aged women, sega… lets not go there… and the only two ‘real’ consoles are made by Sony and Microsoft :(
September 17th, 2009 on 12:33 pm
PC London,
Gran Turismo is for driving nerds. The most ardent petrolheads love driving, not cars per se (although that’s a pretty fine line I’ll admit. OK so it’s maybe a bit of both). You think that people like expensive cars because they are expensive an impressive. Nope; that’s part of the reason that you don’t get GT, but that’s ok. It’s not for you.
GT is mostly about the specifics of circuit driving. Not circuit racing, unfortunately, just driving. I reckon it’s better than than the competition from this particualr point of view. It’s all about the feel and the momentum.
So, I’m a driving nerd, I’ve loved GT for many years, I’m pissed off that Sony are almost certainly about to drop the ball, I think Clarkson is a tedious right wing pontificating twerp and I wish he wasn’t on ‘the side’ of car fans. I can easily understand why many gamers don’t go for GT (and I don’t ask ’em to), you need to get thrills from a very specific set of criteria.
So, I wonder what thing it is you like that automatically makes you a wanker? Perhaps it’s assuming that people who don’t share your preferences are wankers, but DAMN there’s a giant paradox brewing there…
September 18th, 2009 on 6:08 pm
More enjoyment over at CVG:
September 20th, 2009 on 2:11 pm
I’m a car nerd, but I find GT4 to be unrealistic in the way it fails to oversteer on demand, something that any car will do if you’re heavy-handed. Even with the aids turned off, it is still understeer city. Forza 2 got the feel of driving right. I haven’t played GT5P, but I hear it’s better on that front.
However, I can well imagine if GT5 has license tests just like every other full release, I won’t be touching it with a shitty stick. It takes itself far more seriously than it has any right to. It’s a game, stop making me stop a car inside a box after 1000m, you crusty old cunt.
September 20th, 2009 on 7:42 pm
You should just do like I did with gt3 – let a car-nuts mate buy the game and spend weeks/months unlocking the decent cars and tracks and then ‘borrow’ a copy of his saves – You can then make a mockery of all his ‘hard work’ by just chucking his hard earned motors round tracks with the wild abandon of a saxo-driving teen pulling donuts in a carpark at 1am.
My youngest certainly appreciated it, meant he could play with the zonda and other similarly silly cars, although most of the time he just took some highly tuned hatchback with the highest top speed round the oval test track. Over and over and over again…Now THAT was dull.
And yes, I realise this is admitting I own a PS2, in the worst possible place to admit such a thing – I’m sorry, ok? I still have a Saturn and Dreamcast as well (and they’re still hooked up to the tv too)
I’m still waiting for SCUD Race to be released and I’m not even a fan of racing games…any word on that lately? (I realise I may have missed some news as I’ve fallen asleep a few times while I’ve been waiting for that ‘un)
January 26th, 2010 on 9:10 pm
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