Back-on-the-telly-again comedy quiz show Shooting Stars disrespected the SEGA Saturn in a recent episode by associating it with Nintendo’s Wii, for the purposes of making a JOKE about gaming. Or rather, they made THE joke about video gaming. The one about Wii being a bit like wee.
Very poor, Vic. Very poor.
“While watching Shooting Stars the other night I noticed that during the admittedly unfunny ‘Wii Toilet’ sketch, the mock-up for the console used a picture of a first model Sega Saturn artificially turned white (it was not a true white ‘Flash Saturn’). The control pad ports, Sega logo, start, reset and eject buttons appear to have been the victim of a Photoshopping too.
“They also edited the Wii remotes but I don’t care about that. Please God let me be the first to have submitted this. Please God” – Police Constable London.
filed in OFF THE TELLY on Sep.11, 2009
September 11th, 2009 on 12:35 pm
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, Wii Toilet, ha ha ha ha ha, oh my poor sides, however did they think of that one eh? Oh ha ha ha ha he heh heh. Heh heh. heeeeeeeeeeeh *cough*
Vic and Bobs Big Night Out was great. I hate it when nippers (i.e. 25 year olds) tell me how good Shooting Stars is. It’s not. George Dawes’ songs so far this series have been shite. Nintendo Shyt.
September 11th, 2009 on 12:41 pm
You know what else is shit? Your gay face.
September 11th, 2009 on 1:26 pm
1) Likes the PSP
2) Is upset by me dissing Shooting Stars
2) Thinks “gay” is a mortal insult.
Alas for the yoot of today
September 11th, 2009 on 1:42 pm
slightly coincidental that an image of two parallel wiimotes is the uk:r update on 9/11?
September 11th, 2009 on 2:30 pm
Quash: David Icke told me it’s because Zorg’s a Lizard man, and played a vital part alongside Larry Silverstein in the Jewish conspiracy behind the 9/11. This has been corroborated by Mel Gibson.
September 11th, 2009 on 3:15 pm
I would just like to state for the record I am a huge Vic Reeves fan, but this sketch was horrendous. Apart from the supplied picture of Vic with a horse moustache which made things all better.
September 11th, 2009 on 4:06 pm
Unlike Badben I never really liked Big night out, even though I was a student at the time and it was pretty much the law to like them back then.
Shooting stars was ok but has been pretty unfunny for a long time and I wasn’t expecting much from the first ep of the new series. Just as well as it was even less funny than I’d expected and so I didn’t bother watching this one. Doesn’t look like I missed anything good.
Regarding 9/11 conspiracies – Being British it’s just the 11th of the 9th according to my calendar so I hadn’t even twigged until I saw Quash and Weatherbox’s posts – looks like I now rely on UK:R to keep me up to date with current affairs. I suspect this is not a good thing.
September 11th, 2009 on 4:38 pm
I didn’t even realise that was Vic. I thought that it was Benny from Crossroads.
Is Mr Reeves very fat now, or just wearing some type of special effects Fat Head Suit?
Is Bob still there? And Ulrika? Mark Lamaaarr?
September 11th, 2009 on 5:34 pm
I just had that programme on for 2 minutes and 14 seconds and I had to close the browser window and un-install it because it was so horrible.
Blue skies forever!
September 11th, 2009 on 7:52 pm
I will not stand for this Vic Reeve’s bashing! The man is 50 years old, he has already done it. He has put on some weight, yes. He’s 50. You’re allowed to when you’re 50.
Everything he has done until Shooting Stars got tired has been genius and even in the rubbish episodes there is always something, to this day, that is brilliant.
And if you didn’t like Big Night Out it means you are a ninny.
September 12th, 2009 on 2:16 am
You’re allowed to put on weight when you’re 50? Bollocks, I’ve gone too early.
September 12th, 2009 on 8:45 pm
Assuming you aren’t already overweight, that is. Formerly thin people, at 50 (no sooner, mind) are legally permitted to get fat. Unless you’re a woman, obviously.
I don’t make the rules.
September 21st, 2009 on 10:57 pm
Sake is right. Badben is a 60 year old cunt.