Sorry everyone, but this is one of those weeks (AKA months, AKA years) where we can’t be bothered to do anything other than upload the first photograph of something about/like SEGA in the inbox.
Hopefully at least some of you might enjoy looking at some girls’ shoes.
“Fairly ashamed, so will make it brief. Dragged to town. Standing awkwardly in ‘Next’ trying not to engage with the burger-munching-Jeremy-Kyle-set-public when I noticed this familiar little fellow. Yes, the photo is bad but a) It’s a phone. What do you expect ? An HTC something-or-other. And b) You try taking photos in the kids department of a crowded shop. People have been killed for less. And no, I don’t know why the whole scene has a pink ‘n’ fuzzy look to it. Maybe it’s the happy gas they pump into these places?” – Morgan.
filed in GONZO FIELD REPORTS, TOYS on Sep.22, 2009
September 22nd, 2009 on 12:56 pm
Document leaked on SEGA PR FTP site suggests Dreamcast games on PS3:
Zorg last seen disappearing into orbit over the Channel.
September 22nd, 2009 on 1:02 pm
It was already in the micro-blog. As you were!
September 22nd, 2009 on 1:51 pm
They weren’t going to put DC games on PS3, but then they found UK:R and had to.
September 22nd, 2009 on 4:29 pm
Sega in its endless pursuit to find precisely the wrong combination games and console. They do a deal with MS to give them Shenmue II, shafting the American DC owners then make no more Shenmue games and become Sony’s bitch? The very company that destroyed them and whose fanbase has never shown any interest in Sega’s products.
As for actual topic of this update: Er, great.
September 22nd, 2009 on 5:31 pm
Is this a new stage in the lastest sonic game? Pink Slipper Zone?
September 22nd, 2009 on 10:35 pm
Shopping in a girls clothes shop, named as a girls clothes shop.
January 30th, 2010 on 3:49 pm…
For international travelers, SIM card technology provides a huge benefit. If an American travels to the UK with their mobile phone from the US, every call they make will be charged at roaming rates that will add up very quickly. With a SIM card based p…