You know Alan? Car games Alan. That Alan who likes all the car games. You MUST know Alan. That Alan who literally only ever talks about car games? You know, car games Alan. The one with the web site about car games?
Alan. With the car games. Always has a Logitech steering wheel in his bag just in case? Yes, that Alan. Knew you’d know him.
Anyway, Car Games Alan made this in Forza 3. We now know two things about Alan – he likes cars and is kind of OK at arty stuff and must have quite a lot of patience.
Alan also found this. It’s very, very cool. Incidentally, can we just apologise for Forza Motorsport 2? It was good, but not that good. Just got a bit carried away. That won’t happen again.
filed in ACTUAL GAMES on Oct.15, 2009
October 15th, 2009 on 12:03 pm
Who’s this? Alan Carr?
Can’t stand him, hence haven’t clicked the links or watched the video, sorry
October 15th, 2009 on 12:07 pm
[…] This post was Twitted by UKRESISTANCE […]
October 15th, 2009 on 12:40 pm
Alan… Alan… Al… Alan? Nah…. Its Steve.
October 15th, 2009 on 2:05 pm
ALAN FACT: Alan is not shy –
October 15th, 2009 on 2:56 pm
Forza 2 started off well, but towards the end the races all took ages and if you weren’t if first place by the end of the first lap you weren’t going to be. That meant you’d spend most of your race going round and round on your own waiting for the race to be finally over. Based on C&VG’s review, Forza 3 hasn’t fixed this problem either.
Still, I’m game to pretend it’s the best serious racing game ever just to annoy the PS3 owners who cannot admit Gran Turismo is about as interesting as watching paint dry.
October 15th, 2009 on 3:23 pm
Well I don’t really care about the handling as long as you can still draw on the cars – That was fun for an evening or two until you realised no-one was going to see your work of art as you weren’t actually driving it anywhere.
And if you did, no-one’s going to be that impressed about a ford focus with a tachikoma painted on it…
And even if they were, there are people who spend weeks working on paintjobs that look airbrushed AND they can drive better and oh balls I’ve depressed myself again. I’m off to look at the teclast update again.