Imagine that. Another new Dreamcast game is about to come out. We could roll back the years and do a review of it, if the Dreamcast has survived the hell of being in the loft for the last 18 months, and if the VGA box is in the place where the VGA box logically ought to be (cables bag #2).
The game doesn’t appear to be pushing the hardware to its limits. You could, therefore, say that Dreamcast is still to peak.
“With its 2D graphics and old school gameplay, Rush Rush Rally Racing is absolutely nothing like Gran Turismo, so you might actually like it. Also please know that if the sky were visible in this game, it would most assuredly be blue” – Roel van Mastbergen, Senile Team.
You may order the “Deluxe Edition” from an online shop for a bit over 20 quid. There’s nothing in it for us if you do. This is just a bit of community service, like we’re all still friends.
filed in ACTUAL GAMES, SEGA IN THE MODERN AGE on Oct.14, 2009
October 14th, 2009 on 12:38 pm
I’m not so comfortable with the lack of Dreamcast logos on the box. Doesn’t seem so much like a Dreamcast game proper, just a strange disc that will coincidentally play a game if you put it in a Dreamcast.
October 14th, 2009 on 12:58 pm
I’m uncomfortable with a supposed Dreamcast game not being in a shattered case. Or is just me, somehow managing to get lumbered with games enclosed in cases made of the most brittle plastics known to man?
I DO like the “No realistic backgrounds. No sponsored cars” selling points though. Apart from that, reminds me of something I saw on the Amiga once. Doesn’t remind me well enough for me to recall the name though.
Still, might have to ask the missus to add this to the Christmas ‘Want’ list…or just grab Death Rally from some abandonware site instead…
October 14th, 2009 on 1:51 pm
Looks like Micro Machines on the Mega Drive, including the bump physics that allow you to crash into a stationary car and send it flying while you come to a complete halt.
October 14th, 2009 on 2:04 pm
I think I’ll wait for the Amiga version to come out, and play that one.
October 14th, 2009 on 3:48 pm
Why would anyone do this?
October 14th, 2009 on 4:57 pm
I’m quite tempted to buy it just for the music in the trailer…
October 15th, 2009 on 1:01 am
“if the sky were visible in this game, it would most assuredly be blue”
shame about the box art, then.
October 25th, 2010 on 4:44 am
[…] something about ukresistance[…]…