SEGA is giving away a “free” (TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY) controller to people who sign up to its PlaySEGA VIP area. The controller’s shape may trigger a happy memory of playing X-Men vs. Street Fighter or Sonic R. It is a shape SEGA owns the rights to make things in the shape of.
Hopefully that “PLAY” bit can be easily peeled off.
We did some RESEARCH! A three month subscription is £12.99 and if you want the “free” USB Saturn-alike controller that’s an extra £2.99 in postage. So you’re basically paying £15.98 for the controller and right to play some games in a web-based emulator. That’s not bad for a piece of SEGA hardware. Thanks to “Martin” for sending this news in via a popular social networking tool.
filed in "NEWS", SEGA IN THE MODERN AGE on Oct.14, 2009
October 14th, 2009 on 12:28 pm
Pffft. I dont want the tiny Jap pad (even though it did have the sexiest D-Pad ever), I want the great big original pad!
Just look at that beast! all angles and curves, they way it fit so sweetly into the fattest hands…… it brings a tear to one of my eyes
October 14th, 2009 on 1:56 pm
Most of the games seem to be cheapo gambling offerings hurridley prepared with Flash, sadly.
October 15th, 2009 on 3:35 pm
You can buy black versions of these on eBay for £13 (just search for saturn usb), it’s a lot cheaper than buying a serial-to-usb converter, and it’s perfect for playing emulated mega drive games.
July 19th, 2010 on 7:28 pm
Are you still giving the controller away?