For the love of god. Are we really meant to believe that our SHOE-COVERED FEET are capable of playing a video game with anything like the same level of precision and satisfaction as our fingers?
When will it END?
At least they’re “keeping it a bit real” by plugging the stupid console in.
filed in PROMOTIONAL IMAGES on Nov.06, 2009
November 6th, 2009 on 12:27 pm
I’m starting to think that my cynicism about this type of product may be misplaced.
Because, of course, standing on a fucking piece of plastic in your fucking living room is exactly fucking like fucking snowboarding. How the fuck could I have missed this REVOLUTION previously?
I’m converted. Oh yeah. Where can I get one of these fucking fuckety fuck fuck etc etc ad infinitum
November 6th, 2009 on 1:01 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by UK:RESISTANCE, peter lucas. peter lucas said: “… AND PUT A GUITAR ON THE SOFA” http://bit.ly/2nMqHX (via @UKRESISTANCE) […]
November 6th, 2009 on 3:07 pm
Dickhead hasn’t completed his “I’m going to look like a cunt doing this, hope no one sees me”™ steps and drawn the curtains properly. What a clown.
November 6th, 2009 on 7:34 pm
I keep willing him to lose his balance, fall backward and smash his head through the guitar, but it never happens.
November 9th, 2009 on 11:37 am
Isn’t this really awfully photoshopped? The sofa outline, his inner leg and that odd white thing to his left are all highly suspect. I don’t think there was a real TV on the set either.
Pretend image for pretend snowboarding game? I’ll pretend to buy it as well.