This can’t be right. It looks exactly the same. That’s not the idea of it, is it? To make a new thing exactly the same as an old thing?
Have they really spent lots of time and effort making something that looks exactly the same as the old game? Is it just so SEGA has got something to sell to replace all the disintegrating old Daytona USA machines?
Found on some French site by a man who might be called “dash” or “2001” as it was quite hard to tell from his email address.
filed in "NEWS", ACTUAL GAMES on Nov.06, 2009
November 6th, 2009 on 3:13 pm
That is a straight up emulation of the original game. I bet they just switch the source of the video to the new title screen while the original rom is still playing.
Because as is well known, they lost the source code so this is *literally* the original game, probably playing off a 30MB USB stick.
How very strange.
November 6th, 2009 on 3:21 pm
words honestly can’t describe how depressing this is
November 6th, 2009 on 3:25 pm
November 6th, 2009 on 3:36 pm
November 6th, 2009 on 3:57 pm
Yeah, I can’t work out why Sega went this route instead of making a new game. To be fair they would have probably fucked it up anyway and everyone would have said the original was better, so they probably just decided to skip the criticism.
Does make you wonder if it’s a Model 2 emulator in there, in which case all the old favourites like Sega Rally, Manx TT, VF2, Virtua Cop, House of the Dead, etc can be re-released. It would be nice to have some Model 3 re-releases too, I hardly saw any of those machines in the UK.
November 6th, 2009 on 6:28 pm
Sorry, what year is this ? Please tell me i don’t have to go through puberty again. :(
November 6th, 2009 on 7:08 pm
I kind of don’t believe it. Are you sure this French site isn’t just trying to see how gullible Sega fans are, Zorg? This can’t be right.
November 6th, 2009 on 8:58 pm
Jesus Christ on a stick with a cherry on top! Look at the Dinosaur Canyon footage! It’s exactly the same as the original, albeit in widescreen, pop-up and all!
How incredibly depressing. They could have released a modified version of the Dreamcast version on Naomi hardware and it would be better than this!
November 6th, 2009 on 11:07 pm
I guess I was hoping for a Daytona with all the tracks from both arcade releases plus the extra tracks from 2001 edition with nice new Xbox 360 graphics.
Still if it was released on Wiiware or Xbox Marketplace I’d get it.
Just less that I was expecting. Maybe that should be Sega’s new motto!
November 7th, 2009 on 12:15 am
But guys, this is W I D E S C R E E N
November 7th, 2009 on 1:37 am
do you think that the Train2Game banner adverts appearing on your site now are a coincidence, fate, bitter irony or a campaign by Train2Game to portray you as a hypocrite?
November 7th, 2009 on 11:00 am
Would, just for old times’ sake.
November 7th, 2009 on 1:32 pm
I think they’re too clueless to work out how to stop them appearing.
November 7th, 2009 on 7:11 pm
Does it cost them pay per click money every time we click on their adverts? I might open 10 or so tabs every time I see one from now on.
November 7th, 2009 on 11:14 pm
Depends on whether they’re running CPC or CPM, but hey – it’s worth a try!
Zorg, you should set up a click-farm in South Korea or something. Then you would have enough money for as many beautiful asian boys as you could want!
November 9th, 2009 on 11:03 pm
I was playing Daytona against a friend on Saturday at a bowling place, literally nothing here looks different, not even sprucing up the graphics, would anti-aliasing not have been possible? How can this be? As for widescreen, if they’ve only copied the game rom somehow how could they implement this without modifications or stretching the perspective?
Part of me hopes this will mean working Daytona machines will be seen once more where the gears work and the steering is not off. The other part was already dead inside and should have known better than to expect anything new or special from Sega :(
However you bet your arse I’d buy a conversion on XBLA in a heartbeat, so I await for Sega to make me sad once again by not doing so.
November 11th, 2009 on 9:07 am
Lost the source code? Twats. That’s almost as bad as the BBC losing the Real McCoy tapes. It shouldn’t matter too much, though, because you can do all sorts of mad stuff in Mame just by changing some ‘bytes’ in the ‘rom’ using a menu. I bet they’re doing that here.
If the music’s gone then I couldn’t give a monkeys about this bollocks. I’d rather Trocadero leaves their eight-player setup as-is, with the screen burn and what-have-you. Heck, the mugshot cameras are still working so that must count for something.
Playing Daytona without the original music for me would be like playing Streets of Rage without the original music – a waste of time.