Is the maker attempting to create something ironically bad? Something so bad it gets laughed at all over the internet and becomes a must-have among ironic classes and he, therefore, becomes rich enough not to care?

sonic painting 2

It’s not even BIG. If it was BIG you might at least feel like you’re getting your money’s worth. And RED TEETH? Has Sonic been FEASTING?

sonic painting 1

It’s not bad for five dollars, plus four dollars shipping, mind. We’ve imported worse Sonic-branded rubbish for more than that in the past. Spotted at online tat portal Etsy by a reader that’s probably a woman.

“This painting is acrylic paint on a 3″ by 3” canvas on a frame. It is my design of a Sonic the Hedgehog from the Sega video games. Sonic is all about speed and nothing else. This painting is one of a kind. There will be no copies of this paintin available. I am always making more creature paintings all with different monsters and creatures doing different things.

“Will look good on any wall space or because of its size just hanging out in any nook or cranny of your place of residence. Enjoy its creepy colors when you look at this creature from out of this world.



Is it OK with everyone if we turn this site into a site that looks at things on Etsy for a few weeks?