Here’s another embarrassingly old update fashioned out of things we’ve got lying about the desktop. These photos have been sitting in a zip file since August of 2008.
Here is the visual proof, along with a small glimpse of the current UKR desktop image.
We think you all realise we have neither the inclination or technical know-how to fake such data.
Anyway, this is what it’s all about – that ZIP file is full of SEGA post card pictures. Sent in by someone we’ve forgotten the name of. They probably stopped reading during the “Spiral Period” of early 2009.
And that’s the answer to today’s quiz question.
Sorry, the person who sent these in. You went to a lot of effort with the lovely background.
We have a SEGA Xtreme dream! It involves… you can probably guess. Cream, Ulala, possibly Richard Jacques if we’ve had a lot to drink, and bottoms that don’t stop hurting for at least three days. And sofa cushions that require professional cleaning afterwards. And so much lube it leaked through the floor to the flat below.
That’s the EXIF data. The sender-inner is/was using a Lumix TZ3.
filed in HISTORY on Dec.24, 2009
December 24th, 2009 on 9:59 am
December 24th, 2009 on 11:52 am
Even if you update the title the picture has the typo in it too.
December 24th, 2009 on 12:57 pm
I updated the title, but the… :(
December 24th, 2009 on 1:20 pm
Hahaha, you have managed to raise a smile on a cold, bleak winter’s day, Zorg.
Merry Christmas to all on here, and look forward to my new Sonic game, coming out in January, involving Cream in various sexual situations! :D
And of course my new website, in the hope that THEY won’t find me again… :puts on tinfoil hat:
December 24th, 2009 on 1:49 pm
http://twitter.com/UKRESISTANCE/status/6995641443 still says fist as well, yay.
Merry Xmas!
December 24th, 2009 on 7:53 pm
Still using Vista then? And you don’t have WinRar as your default zip handling software?
Well, anyway.
December 24th, 2009 on 10:48 pm
Zorg was obviously thinking about that “SEGA Xtreme dream” when he was writing that fist, sorry, first title.
December 25th, 2009 on 2:43 pm
December 29th, 2009 on 10:57 am
Anybody got any I dea what RUU_Sapph… does? I tried googling it, but don’t get any sites in English.
The ‘Sapph’ part makes me think it’s something to do with lesbians.
December 29th, 2009 on 10:58 am
“I dea”? What the fuck is that is that supposed to mean?
I meant “idea”.
January 2nd, 2010 on 8:00 am
RUU_Sapphire_HTC_Europe_2.17.401.2_HTC_PTG_test_signed_NoDriver.exe is the file name. Some kind of driver? I dare not download such a thing to find out! O.O
January 2nd, 2010 on 11:42 am
Nice detective work. It’s a ROM for an HTC Magic, I was trying to “root” my mobile phone for extremely dull reasons.
January 2nd, 2010 on 2:43 pm
“HTC Magic. I don’t pursue freedom. I live it.”
Was it buying a product with that tagline that lead to you being stripped of the rank of Commander?
“Set your own rules with HTC Magic.”
The intense anger that creates in me cannot be expressed in words. It’s more suited to a performance piece of a man destroying a pile of blood soaked paving slabs with a sledge hammer and blue plastic bag tied over his head, while audio of the chanting crowds from the 1936 Nuremberg rally is played backwards, deafeningly loud.
January 2nd, 2010 on 6:29 pm
First great mental image of the year
Unless said man is naked apart from the plastic bag and sledgehammer*, in which case I guess it’d be first disturbing image of the year
(*Can a sledgehammer be classed as clothing?)
January 2nd, 2010 on 11:00 pm
I think he’s wearing a white butcher’s apron, but is naked under that. I’d need to sit quietly and meditate on it further to receive the image in its full glory.