Not for the first time, this is not as good at it initially sounds.
Wouldn’t even go up your bottom. 3/10.
filed in ACTUAL GAMES, SEGA IN THE MODERN AGE on Jan.19, 2010
Not for the first time, this is not as good at it initially sounds.
Wouldn’t even go up your bottom. 3/10.
filed in ACTUAL GAMES, SEGA IN THE MODERN AGE on Jan.19, 2010
January 19th, 2010 on 5:53 pm
A bit of plastic for holding a NINTENDO thing. A bit of plastic that without said Nintendo thing, is utterly useless.
If my 9 year old self could view this page from the past, he’d think the future was a dystopian hell. My 24 year old self agrees. My 34 year old self has probably already committed suicide because all Sega do in the future is make plastic things for Nintendo things to sit in.
January 19th, 2010 on 6:11 pm
Oooh, are Sega going to start manufacturing bins then?
January 19th, 2010 on 8:25 pm
“Wouldn’t even go up your bottom,”
I beg to… HURRRMMFFFF!… differ.
January 19th, 2010 on 8:26 pm
Speak for yourself. Or was that a sly invitation to make it go up someone else’s bottom? (wink, wink emoticon goes here)
January 19th, 2010 on 8:36 pm
Now I fully understand the phrase “A suckers born every minute”
(insert Smiley emoticon here)
All I have to say to Wii owners is have fun with your useless plastic Wii holder things. I hope one day in the near future you will go into your closet thinking you are going to reminisce about “old times” when you stumble upon a box of plastic shaped like steering wheels, baseball bats, and “zappers” then when your know the horrid truth about how useless your existence has been on this planet you will do us all a favor and jump off the nearest highest structure, preferably aiming for a Nintendo / Sony executive. ………..
January 20th, 2010 on 8:47 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by UK:RESISTANCE, Leopold Esterle. Leopold Esterle said: A bit of plastic that says "SEGA" on it: http://tinyurl.com/y9ntgc4 Not for the first time, this is not as good at it initially sounds. […]
January 20th, 2010 on 2:43 pm
I’ll keep my eyes peeled in 2011 for the blue piece of Sega plastic that holds a Nintendo stick thing with the motion-plus jobbie on the end, as Sega try once again to claw for scraps from the table like the medieval leper of legend.