“The more logos you put on the box, Mike, the more customers will think the product is of a high quality”.
Does it really need EIGHT logos? Make that NINE logos, once the discount sticker gets put on the thing after 10 days on sale. Nothing sums up Sony’s current-gen MALAISE better than the GT5 debacle.
filed in "NEWS", ACTUAL GAMES on Jan.07, 2010
January 7th, 2010 on 1:36 pm
I would quite like to play a PS3 game, via the Playstation Network, but only on my XBox 360.
January 7th, 2010 on 1:48 pm
I thought you were going to say you just wanted to play it on a Playstation, as that’s what the packaging seems to be saying – says PS3 top left but then also says (top right) that it’s “Only On Playstation”
So, more proof the Ps3 is a pointless purchase when a game for it only runs on the original Playstation, then?
January 7th, 2010 on 2:02 pm
Considering this is the game that people bought the Playstation for several years ago, it should do somewhat well if those owners are still alive. Hopefully they are not looking forward to playing online however.
January 7th, 2010 on 2:02 pm
The GT series is only popular because the Saturn couldn’t produce similar graphics.
You’d think by now people would get bored with this victory and realise as entertainment, GT isn’t at all entertaining. The excitement surrounding the graphics lasts about an hour while the game lumbers on for another 100+
I can’t stick with a game if it lasts longer than an hour a day for a week. Never did make it much beyond Megaton.
January 7th, 2010 on 2:18 pm
From looking at the trailers for GT5 it looks almost photo-realistic. But I tried the demo over Christmas and the graphics looked awful, everything looked so bland and dull.
Plus, Sony are telling LIES about the graphics. They claim they’re 1080p, but they’re only 1280×1080, not the full 1920×1080. I could create a game that has a single pixel width but 1080 vertical pixels. Would that also count as 1080p?
January 7th, 2010 on 2:59 pm
No it wouldn’t, because 1080p refers to the specific format standard of a video with a resolution of either 1280×1080, 1440×1080, or 1920×1080 running with progressive scanning.
And god forbid sony for making sure everyone gets the credit they deserve, maybe we should cut all text from the box?
As far as the developers are concerned, only the GT5 and Polyphony logos count.
The rest are for ratings, platform specification, manufacturer, and disc format.
Something that is not specific to Sony.
January 7th, 2010 on 5:03 pm
I like GT (as some readers might remember, I’ve been driven to defend it here before); I’m probably going to have to get GT5 AND a fucking PS3 to play it on, but I’d like to say that the appearance on this site of people who get offended by resolution jibes whenever GT5 is mentioned makes me very, very ashamed to like GT5. I may like it but I’m not a po-faced cunt, really I’m not!
But but but, is it just for po-faced cunts? NOW I HAVE SELF DOUBT!
January 7th, 2010 on 5:25 pm
Do the cars turn over yet?
January 7th, 2010 on 6:25 pm
“And god forbid sony for making sure everyone gets the credit they deserve, maybe we should cut all text from the box?”
Good idea, because nowadays we have to sit through about 20 fucking logos before we can even make it to the intro sequence in most games. Not to mention all that signing in gubbins. I miss the old Master System days. Sega logo, then game. Ah, bliss.
January 7th, 2010 on 8:06 pm
Great news for graphics whores… looks pretty, plays so so so dull.
Have they announced how anyone who purchased the Demo (and it’ll have been TWO years since they released that) will have their money refunded yet?
Maybe if they hadn’t charged for that the developers would have ran out of cash and been forced to release a defective product… rather than a polished defective product that we’ll get in three months time… delays pending.
January 8th, 2010 on 12:27 pm
Bullshit. Show me a non-CRT TV or projector that accepts 1280×1080 progressive, and 1440×1080 progressive input that’s sold as a 1080p product.
Polypony are scaling internally to 1920×1280, if those other resolutions were supported they wouldn’t need to.
January 8th, 2010 on 1:45 pm
Hold on, this all sounds like actual technical information you’re imparting/arguing over here. This isn’t the place for that – I don’t come here for solid facts and well reasoned debates, I…
Now I think about it, I’m not entirely sure what I come here for, but I’m pretty sure that’s not it.
January 8th, 2010 on 9:18 pm
Logo Simulator 5. I really hope UKR never disappears. I don’t know how I’d go on.
marimo’s post should be carved into stone by hand and lobbed at the buildings where they make games.
I was recently mightily impressed with the way Modern Warfare 2 just gets to the title screen within a second or two. Impressed, because hardly anyone else seems to have ‘got’ it yet.
January 9th, 2010 on 11:53 am
I’m impressed. It’s as many logos as ‘Lego Rock Band’, a game so logo-centric that the game’s title image contains two TMs.
January 9th, 2010 on 12:54 pm
The enemy must not be allowed to spread false information! It shall not stand!
January 12th, 2010 on 8:35 pm
slight’s right. They’re counting on our devotion to the cause to start waning about now.
We must hold steadfast, lest we stumble.
January 28th, 2010 on 8:29 am
I don’t care what third world TV you own.
I’m speaking of the supported international standards for progressive high definition video.
And you’re right, they are scaling it up.
And the reason they’re doing it is obviously to support all display devices.
It’s still considered 1280p
There are a wide array of products that support the resolutions I wrote before, both as input and output, mainly within video production work, not entertainment.
January 28th, 2010 on 9:42 am
Ah, ‘not entertainment’. Right, that explains why Polyphony are using that resolution then. Why didn’t you say that to start with?
January 28th, 2010 on 11:18 am
Dear Painkiller with a 4,
You are a tedious cunt who makes stuff up and then pretends you mean something else when you are proven wrong. I bet you’re really fat too.