Despite DOA Paradise being a PSP game we are “doing something” on it because we got sent this YESTERDAY under an EMBARGO for today! You have no idea how important and trustworthy that makes us feel.
We are slowly rebuilding those fire-damaged bridges. Next thing you know a courier from Microsoft will turn up with numerous Halo products and some free bags and t-shirts.
That’s a selection of the screenshots. We could’ve uploaded these yesterday, but DID NOT because we CAN BE TRUSTED.
This is some of the artwork in a bigger format. We used to like DoA artwork, but it’s looking a bit creepy these days, isn’t it?
We hope we are allowed to use the artwork. Didn’t check that. We can be trusted, but don’t always check everything.
That’s enough. We have proven we can be trusted. We didn’t even say anything about their weird feet.
DEAD OR ALIVE: Paradise coming exclusively to Sony PSP.
Hertfordshire, UK- January 22nd 2010 – Tecmo Koei Europe Ltd proudly reveal the next installment of the hugely popular DEAD OR ALIVE series – DEAD OR ALIVE: Paradise.
Featuring all the DEAD OR ALIVE lovelies, basking in the tropical sun of ‘New Zack Island’ you will be able to mingle, flirt, play, take snapshots, and challenge the girls in various mini-games found throughout your private island in the best looking PSP game yet.
Boasting the most beautiful 3D female characters even seen in any PSP title, you will be able to indulge in beach volleyball, pool hopping, as well as visiting the revamped casino resort run by the enigmatic ‘Rio’. With an exhaustive shopping option as well, spend your hard-earned ZACK currency on hundreds of cool items, from clothes to gadgets then keep them for yourself or give them as gifts to your new girlfriends. The more gifts you give, the stronger your bond with them will grow.
You’ll also be able to snap candid photos of your giggling beauties in their beachwear which you can store in your very own private photo album and collect ‘Venus Clips’ to enjoy later. It’s all on-the-go, and all in the palm of your hand. Take your girls anywhere. Play with them any time.
filed in "NEWS", ACTUAL GAMES on Jan.22, 2010
January 22nd, 2010 on 5:35 pm
“It’s all on-the-go, and all in the palm of your hand”.
Yep, that pretty much sums it up.
I’d enjoy being miniaturized and left to play semi-naked on a little island while gargantuan women, their eyes as big as suns, follow my every move. I might flash them my man-boobs now and then.
January 22nd, 2010 on 6:25 pm
How odd, I’d only just picked up doa extreme beach volleyball 2 last week for the princely sum of 2.49. Missing it’s cover but still had the manual, so a bargain considering the first one cost me 3.99 WITH the cover but missing the manual. Seems to be the same game but with jetskis added from what I can see. This one doesn’t appear to have that, so I’m guessing it’s usp is that it can be played on the loo?
January 22nd, 2010 on 8:12 pm
Burning bridges from the position of having stuff to lose (property, loved ones etc) and not having enough money to retire doesn’t always work.
Or at least try to keep your real name more of a secret.
January 22nd, 2010 on 9:04 pm
Zorg, does this mean we need to write serious comments so that Tecmo and other companies realise you have a mature readership that relies on this website for important gaming news? Will that help get you more freebies and preview code?
It’s just I wouldn’t want them to get the idea we’re a bunch of serial masturbators killing time while we wait for the Dreamcast 2.
I should also point out if you have a modded 360 there’s a version of DOAX2 that’s been patched to remove all the bikinis and show you all the good bits. I don’t know if the game is any good, I’ve never lasted beyond the sunbed screen.
January 22nd, 2010 on 10:17 pm
[joke]I object to the assumption I am waiting for the Dreamcast 2.[/joke]
January 23rd, 2010 on 6:07 am
Dead or Alive: Pumpkin Headed Mullets
January 23rd, 2010 on 4:23 pm
The only bridge I’ve really burnt is the dilapidated one leading back to Shiny Media island. Fortunately, I sleep easier knowing I could never be dragged back to that den of incompetence.
January 24th, 2010 on 7:41 pm
You don’t want to go around pretending too hard to be untrustworthy and unreliable. That was what Orson Welles did, ended up basically blacklisting him. The ‘joke’ became what studios believed and he couldn’t get anything made.
January 25th, 2010 on 12:27 pm
I noticed that Orson Welles was the voice of Unicron in the original Transformers movie while the credits rolled yesterday. Fancy that. And that Judd Nelson bloke from the Breakfast Club voices Hotrod. Amazing.
Sorry about lots of Transformers based comments recently. My 7 year old watches the movie 3 times a week and has an impressive army of the toys. They’re all fucking different scales though! This drives me slightly round the twist, but dosn’t seem to bother him at all. But a tiny Ratchet standing next to a massive Ratchet gives me a headache.
January 25th, 2010 on 3:11 pm
January 25th, 2010 on 3:12 pm
Try again…
January 25th, 2010 on 3:15 pm
P1ss it, apologies Zorg…please delete previous 2 inept attempts to post a link.
February 13th, 2010 on 11:58 pm
Welcome To Online Free Games…
May 16th, 2010 on 8:55 am
What a wonderful read thanks for the insight loved it !…