Video seems to be based around pointing video cameras at Japanese people because they often wear brightly-coloured clothes. It’s directed by “McG” – a man who has to be respected for managing to kill the Terminator with only a film camera as a weapon.
Watch Kirsten Dunst “Turning Japanese” in Music | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
You can see several SEGA logos in the video, is why it’s on here. Thanks to the man who doesn’t want to say what his name is (understandable) for sending it in.
filed in "NEWS", RUBBISH YOUTUBE-BASED UPDATES on Feb.23, 2010
February 23rd, 2010 on 11:17 am
Why are no tentacles featured in this video?
February 23rd, 2010 on 11:23 am
Is this her attempt at launching a pop career now that the acting work has dried up? Presumably after all the alcohol abuse her vagina has dried up also.
February 23rd, 2010 on 11:41 am
Wikipedia says it was meant to be “art”.
Did I ever relay the very dull discovery that her nipples were computer-generated in that scene in the rain in the first Spider-Man? I found a promotional photograph from the scene in which she had reference marks drawn on her top, so they could add-in the nipples in post-production.
February 23rd, 2010 on 12:03 pm
That’s depressing to know. You’d think she could save the film some money by giving them a quick squeeze before the cameras rolled. Maybe they weren’t big enough to stand-out?
I’m sure we’ll find out soon, the Playboy shoot usually comes after the failed music career. Although there’s usually a lot of post-production work on those pictures too.
February 23rd, 2010 on 12:16 pm
Turning Japanese is actually a song about someone’s wank-face.
“I’ve got your picture, I’ve got your picture
I’d like a million of you all round my cell
I want a doctor to take your picture
So I can look at you from inside as well
You’ve got me turning up and turning down
And turning in and turning ’round ”
A UK:R anthem, if ever there was one.
February 23rd, 2010 on 12:34 pm
[…] hasn’t been available online. But today someone has sneaked a copy to the video game site UK Resistance because there are SEGA logos in the background at certian points… well, whatever the reason, […]
February 23rd, 2010 on 12:35 pm
Looks like an old lady…wouldn’t. If the old lady in question was Helen Mirren or the nan from Royal Family then would.
February 23rd, 2010 on 12:42 pm
I’m glad you said that ChristsChin, I didn’t want to be the one who pointed that out.
I’m holding out for [insert current totty of choice]’s cover version of Generation X/Billy Idol’s “Dancing with Myself”
February 23rd, 2010 on 12:45 pm
gave up at 1:16
mercifully the login screen did cut the video
February 23rd, 2010 on 1:14 pm
Right, have actually watched it now am confused it was sold to us as having several SEGA logos?
I count two and maybe a bit.
2:27-2:30 Classic blue Sega logo
3:31-3:33 Club Sega sign in red
3:59 Seaman? Is that you? What’s happened to you?
I didn’t notice any others but my mind was recoiling in horror so may have missed some, but if not, is 2-and-a-bit the new definition of the word ‘several’?
Bloody awful video, bloody awful cover. Also:
a) Is that really her voice or is her voice the slightly deeper one you can hear in the background that someone with a higher voice has then sung over?
b) This was actually directed? It looks like something pretty much anyone with a video camera (or mobile phone) could do in any quiet afternoon in Akihabara…
c) Why does she look even more miserable than me in that video? She’s not having to watch the bloody thing.
February 23rd, 2010 on 1:57 pm
Wow, I knew she was suffering from depression. I didn’t know she’d killed herself.
Did she actually mock the difficulty Japanese have in pronouncing lateral sounds by singing – “You wrote I love you, I r-ove me too”? Very classy. I’ve not seen such ignorant racial stereotyping since Lost in Translation.
Still would though. Big tits.
February 23rd, 2010 on 4:40 pm
Definite evidence of mental illness there… Anyone with an ounce of sanity would think this was a bad idea the instant they saw the treatment.
I can’t help but feel Sega has been damaged by association with this. And why are there loads of shots of sad/bored Japanese people just standing about?
February 23rd, 2010 on 4:54 pm
Also would. Also because of big tits.
February 23rd, 2010 on 7:33 pm
Well it’s better than Terminator Salvation.
Much better, infact, because it has Sega in it. That’s what made Terminator 2 so awesome – because it had Sega in it.
February 24th, 2010 on 7:10 am
February 24th, 2010 on 10:25 am
Worth enduring for the upskirt shots…
Nothing makes Terminator Salvation enduring though.
February 24th, 2010 on 12:17 pm
I’m glad other people hate Terminator Salvation. I’d have rather paid £8 to see a feature length episode of Gok Wan’s How to Look Good Naked.
February 25th, 2010 on 7:54 pm
That’s what happens when the Hollywood crack train breaks down, isn’t it? Awful. I’m ashamed for her.
February 25th, 2010 on 8:09 pm
I’m glad that I’m not the only one who hated Terminator Salvation. It didn’t make sense, although the series should have ended with T2 anyway.
I’m loving the video simply because it’s got Kirsten Dunst in it. Say what you like about her, but I’d still crawl across a mile of broken glass to shake the hand of the man who sells her her sanitary towels…
February 27th, 2010 on 12:35 pm
GigerPunk, I think you’ll find that that Billy Idol song was covered by Linsay Lohan on the mean girls soundtrack already.
February 27th, 2010 on 6:06 pm
I was not aware of that.
I think I’m fairly glad that I wasn’t aware of that.
I’m not sure what to think now, but feel I can safely assume it was utter bobbins.
March 1st, 2010 on 5:16 am
That particle effect on her wand is early 1990s quality. V poor.
May 28th, 2010 on 1:49 am
credit repair…
I am going to put this website to my diggs!…