That headline comes from a half-broken translation service page here. We presume it means SEGA has thrown its last remaining money behind an EVEN BIGGER amusement arcade, presumably hoping the reason arcades are dying is because they haven’t been quite big enough previously.
“Hello, here some pictures about the new Club Sega opened… today! There are some nice faces in a picture, the red palace is cool but usually I prefer the old signs that we can see in the old closed arcades” – Shark.
Thanks, Shark. Thanks for attempting English and finding the photos.
These are the “nice faces in a picture” he mentioned.
Of course, the real reason arcades are dying is because they’re full of money-sucking pieces of shit like this. UFO catchers as far as the eye can see. More UFO catchers is not the answer.
We wouldn’t mind if they didn’t all leave the factory deliberately broken.
filed in SEGA IN THE MODERN AGE on Feb.19, 2010
February 19th, 2010 on 11:51 am
Japan, when will you ever learn? Amusement arcades are meant to be dim and dank, full of old men in piss-stained trousers and anoraks handing out come-hither 10ps to poor boys from the estate to play on broken machines covered in fag burns.
February 19th, 2010 on 3:59 pm
^ lol, I actually own an arcade game with cigarette burns. The burns give it a sense of culture when playing it. Delinquent adolencent culture that is.
Regarding Sega’s new money pit.
Looks amazing……but still empty. Maybe they would fare better if they opened one of these arcade amusement things in a country that’s NOT in a depression yet.
February 19th, 2010 on 4:43 pm
Not been in an arcade since Sega World in the Trocadero…is it still there? This hotel seems to think so:
Come to London especially to visit Sega World.
February 19th, 2010 on 6:43 pm
How about not charging a quid a go? Or at least give us a free go to learn the game, you greedy fuckers. Why should I put a quid in a machine to play a game that I’m only going to lose in about 30 seconds because I’ve never fucking played it before?
Why is it so expensive?
February 19th, 2010 on 10:29 pm
Has to be a tax dodge.