Glen found this. This magazine has been in his possession for many years, yet has only recently been rediscovered following what would appear to be a bit of a clear-out and, perhaps, some sort of life-reappraisal.

ulala magazine cover 1

“On the reverse side is a poster of Ulala that has been on my wall. Then it was under my bed for a while. Then just the other day I moved my bed for the first time in a long time. And then I had to find my camera” – Glen.

ulala magazine cover 2

We can only imagine with horror what other items were lurking beneath Glen’s bed.

ulala magazine cover 3

A sock.

ulala magazine cover 4

Maybe an old t-shirt.

ulala magazine cover 5

Possibly, for comic effect, it may have been better to end on a close-up of whatever that Mickey Mouse-like thing is, rather than the bottom.