And, unsurprisingly, he would prefer it if we didn’t use his name or email address or even hinted at what part of the country he lives in. And his words were typed into his email software by an actor, so don’t go trying to work out who he is by his typing style. We’ve been caught out like that on more than one occasion.

We’ve also photoshopped the original image, in which the man was revealing his substantially proportioned penis through a hole in the suit.


“Erm, have a look at this, from a popular site where ‘kinky’ homosexualists meet other ‘kinky’ homosexualists. This gentleman appears to be into ‘full rubber coverage’, and Sonic The Hedgehog. In my opinion this is normal compared to the man who gets off on scooter engines ticking over but not starting. Each to their own, eh! Please don’t print my email or name” – Mr Non-rubber Lover.