Good lord, we’re… EXCITED about something made by people on the internet! The below image is a collection of sprites from Sonic 2 XL – a hacked version of Sonic 2 where Sonic gets fat from collecting rings. And it messes with the physics accordingly.
“I know you’ll like this shit right here. Two members at Sonic Retro have just released a hack called Sonic 2 XL where the rings are replaced with onion rings. If you eat too much, Sonic gets fat and can’t jump as high or run as fast. It’s absolutely incredible and completely changes the gameplay of the original game (plus, it’s hard as hell). I did a write up on it with all the info” – Brad
This video does a better job of selling it. Excitement level slowly increasing back to where it was some 24 hours earlier.
filed in "NEWS", ACTUAL GAMES, SEGA IN THE MODERN AGE on Jul.14, 2010
July 14th, 2010 on 4:44 pm
Hmmm, so now can’t even play Sonic to escape from the realities of life (such as of middle-age spread). Bah.
I suppose they’re next going to do Sonic 3 where he discovers smoking and Sonic and Knuckles where he discovers the joys of massive sunday roasts every week?
And then has a coronary shortly before they try any Sonic adventures.
Also, re: the links-blog PC Zone to be closed over there on the right. Blimey, that’s a shame, but I suppose it saves me having to cancel my subscription as I can’t really remember the last time I actually read it cover to cover. Fingers crossed the last issue’s like YS’s one was rather than a ‘normal’ one that’s just missing its “next month” page.
Ah well, there’s another box of magazines for the loft then.
July 14th, 2010 on 4:51 pm
That actually made me angry it’s so fucking boring.
July 14th, 2010 on 5:21 pm
I can honestly say that I never want to watch a woodland creature excercise again. Was the rest of the level not finished or something?
And not a terrible, grainy background ripped from Google Image Search; violence or sex or drug reference to be seen. Bah.
July 14th, 2010 on 7:03 pm
The video is a complete waste of shitting time. Well done to all concerned!
It made me think of a new “business model” for YouTube. Content creators are charged a micro-payment every time someone watches their shit. That would concentrate minds and free up bandwidth.
July 14th, 2010 on 8:06 pm
I agree the 2nd video improves things somewhat, but still struck by the thought that if it’s such a great gameplay innovation it’s a wonder it wasn’t originally in the game? because it’s not a great feature, it’d be shit and irritating worrying about having to exercise all the time to stop getting fat. It’s Sonic, not GTA:San Andreas.
Bit worried about your “Pay Youtube to host your videos” idea though, StuntCunt, as I probably watch more stuff on youtube than on tv so would rather it all stayed free and full of more and more strange vids. And if I’d had to pay then I certainly wouldn’t have brightened the internet with my own submission for Extra-last all those months ago.
Hmmm, I see your point.
July 15th, 2010 on 10:01 am
[…] (via UK:Resistance) […]
July 18th, 2010 on 11:10 pm
July 21st, 2010 on 8:13 pm
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