Sonic pants being touched by a woman. There’s a first time for everything etc etc.
“I only recently found out about your web site, but I think it’s great. Anyway, I read PSW from issue 10 to around 50, that was a great magazine. The best. (Gary wrote for it, though only as a guest writer in the later issues). Here is a picture I took which you might find interesting. It was taken about a month ago. I thought I take a picture wearing it, but that would be difficult, seeing as I didn’t buy it. Best of luck, and greetings from Holland!” – Elias.
filed in "NEWS", SEGA IN THE MODERN AGE on Sep.09, 2010
September 9th, 2010 on 11:52 am
arrgh, hyper-extended knees! A decent pair of high heels would sort those out. Flats for women should be BANNED anyway. Pants-wise, I love the way the colour graduates to yellow towards the business area, that will help conceal any little accidents.
September 9th, 2010 on 3:28 pm
All kidding aside, what guarantee do we have that this is a woman?
September 10th, 2010 on 9:56 am
Look at the handbag that’s been carelessly left open. That’s classic woman behaviour, so I’ve been told. That’s not how men roll.
September 13th, 2010 on 1:02 pm
If anyone is interested in seeing these pants in reality, I found some in River Island last time I went in (around Christmas).
I did not buy them, but sadly I was a bit tempted.