Sonic 4 is the one remaining upcoming game we may buy, or at least make a clumsy attempt at obtaining for free, whenever it is scheduled to come out.
If someone could contact us via email to say when it is scheduled to come out, that would be great. Also please send through a reminder when it actually does come out, as we’re likely to have forgotten.
filed in "NEWS", ACTUAL GAMES on Sep.24, 2010
September 24th, 2010 on 12:52 pm
It looks almost good enough to be a Megadrive game.
September 24th, 2010 on 1:36 pm
I’ve played a version on PartnetNet a while back and I thought it was pretty crappy. Sonic felt quite sluggish, the camera is zoomed far too close to Sonic and the bonus levels were just annoying. Hopefully it’s improved since then. It definitely had blue skies though, which is something at least.
September 24th, 2010 on 3:51 pm
Dear commander
seems like your last post upset the one or two yobs that keep posting in this end road, sonic fanboy homepage.
even posting the very last sonic game attract a paltry 2 comments, and i don’t think a [LIKE] button would save it.
I keep thinking in the offer of yesterday, i hardly had any sleep at all to be honest
perhaps 50£ as gingerbread say is too much for my budget
but I can make an effort and skip a couple of meals to make 30£ hey Im not asking for the website
the “vast back catalogue of nonsense” would do
i can keep it runing in a old p3 with linux and keep the flame alive. not sure i would manage to keep 24/7 on line hard disk is showing his age but i can do couple of hours at night like my old BBS
pm for details.
September 24th, 2010 on 4:10 pm
I’ll try the “like” button first.
September 24th, 2010 on 4:21 pm
sure no probs!
maybe some of “the greatest hits” remixed in HD
+ [LIKE] buttons
can keep you in the game
anyhow time is on my side
I may be able to skip enought meals to make the 50£ and with the help of Tooth Fairy get another 20gb HDD for backup purposes
September 24th, 2010 on 4:32 pm
Hello, yob here.
Not the Mean Yob of course. This place gets weirder and weirder…
Does chongox secretly work for Shiny Media? Maybe they want their blog back for cheap. Don’t give in to the temptation, Zorg!
September 24th, 2010 on 5:46 pm
I’m not a yob. More of a knave.
September 25th, 2010 on 12:49 pm
I have never been able to play Sonic, ashamedly: I’m too slow, so I do Megaman. I truly envied my friends doing whole stages at full speed, back when speedruns didn’t even have a name.
September 25th, 2010 on 1:08 pm
Theres a video, and dare i say it…it looks good..
September 25th, 2010 on 5:21 pm
September 25th, 2010 on 5:37 pm
You don’t have to be fast to play Sonic. Most of it is exploration with areas joined by largely automated fast sections. Sonic 1 is really only fast in stage one, stage 2 is as slow as any Mario game. And not as good.
September 25th, 2010 on 7:01 pm
And let’s not go into the Water stage…
September 27th, 2010 on 11:49 am
I’ve never been any good at Sonic either.
Or many other games, really.
Fortunately, who needs to play through to completion just to see the end sequence these days?
September 27th, 2010 on 12:27 pm
The drowning music gave me nightmares as a kid… O_O
September 27th, 2010 on 12:43 pm
Gotta love the way he just waits for the inevitable in this one, tapping his foot and completely ignoring the frantic music
September 27th, 2010 on 2:09 pm
Regarding the end sequence. I love the way that they got their crappest tester to play through the stages at then end. It’s like watching my sister play. Some reward that is!
September 27th, 2010 on 3:28 pm
Btw, any chance of one of these fabled [LIKE] buttons on bitbroken, Zorg?
September 27th, 2010 on 5:11 pm
My favourite Sonic music has to be Sonic 2’s Mystic Caves in two-player mode:
Ah the memories of stealing all the power-ups and raising the draw-bridge so my brother would run Tails straight over the edge and onto the spikes below…
September 27th, 2010 on 6:22 pm
Damn. that really really reminded me of Tim Follin’s Bionic Commando on the C64. (The 1st level)
But I couldn’t remember exactly what game the tune in my head was from, so had to hunt for it.
And then I found it.
And found it sounds nothing like it.
September 28th, 2010 on 9:58 am
I can definitely hear some similarities, plus the SID music on levels 2, 4 and 5 is fantastic.
September 29th, 2010 on 2:00 pm
Sonic 4 – October 11th (13th on XBLA I believe) for $15 or 1200 MS Points.