As we already know hateful fuck-knuckles John and Edward are promoting Nintendo’s DSi, in particular some crappy-looking JRPG. I had to taint my computer by going to the Daily Mail website for these:
John and Edward, looking like twats.
John and Edward, looking like twats. Again.
Picture chosen for its Photoshop potential. Send in your best ones to the usual address.
November 24th, 2010 on 12:27 pm
Be nice to Jedward. They can’t help looking like twats. From all I know about them, they just are.
November 24th, 2010 on 1:15 pm
The Irish have a reputation for being a bit simple.
This is a harsh and unjust accusation.
But then I’m reminded of Jedward’s existence, and the phrase ‘there’s no smoke without fire’
November 24th, 2010 on 1:22 pm
Would, wouldn’t.
Don’t ask.
November 24th, 2010 on 1:34 pm
They look like Jedward imposters, anyway execute them please.
Further to the Commander highlighting comments on GT5 I’d also like to highlight other comments from other reviewers (reliable ones):
“Gran Turismo 5 feels old and confused”
“The whole thing basically looks like a car commercial, and sometimes it felt like I was playing one”
“While the premium cars are undeniably gloriously detailed, they look entirely out of place in such drab environments, surrounded by cardboard cut-out trees. City tracks fare better, but only just.”
Currently GT5 has a Metacritic score of 86, only 3 more than Vanquish, here’s hoping it’ll fall quicker than the French Army…
November 24th, 2010 on 1:44 pm
I have this game and I’ve been quite looking forward to playing it. And now I’m going to have to burn it, aren’t I, all because of these mick benders?!
November 24th, 2010 on 2:49 pm
“The Irish have a reputation for being a bit simple.”
That’s called racialism, that is. English propaganda to justify the rape and subjugation of Ireland. Dehumanise your enemy and then destroy them. What the English did to Ireland has been described as a holocaust. Because it was.
In the past, that is! We’re all friends now. Here, have this spare £7bn . . . so you don’t bring us down too.
November 24th, 2010 on 2:53 pm
AND ABOUT THE GT5 reviews. The same old “This game is shit . . . 9/10” as always. Some things never change.
November 24th, 2010 on 2:56 pm
Just to be clear, after re-reading my comment, I’m not a big racist.
I was merely pointing out the stigma that has been pinned onto Ireland.
Nothing more, nothing less.
November 24th, 2010 on 3:27 pm
Remember there’s more to Ireland dan dis
November 24th, 2010 on 10:08 pm
you will pay the price for being a fussy eater…
November 24th, 2010 on 10:14 pm
I always know when a new Sonic game comes out to just read the review text to see if they liked it, and ignore the inevitable 6/10 score they bung on the end.
PS3 exclusives are like the inverse of Sonic games in that no matter how bad they are, they have to get 9/10 or fanboys will firebomb your office.
November 25th, 2010 on 12:18 am
I’ve been living abroad in the land of square wheels, flappy heads and Celine Dion for the last 3 years so was blissfully unaware of this jedward ‘thing’.. THANKS SO MUCH YOU GUYS for forcing me to know that it exists :-/
I sent the link to the video from the last post to a few of my fellow british expat colleagues and they were equally as horrified/traumatised by it.. one of them managed 5 seconds before screaming and closing his browser. Good work ¬¬
For the record I also now no longer have any intention of ever buying DQIX
November 25th, 2010 on 12:27 am
Dont knock em, Jedward now make up 90% of the Irish economy and if we go down, you go down. I didn’t mean that as a blowjob metaphor btw.
November 26th, 2010 on 2:49 pm
It’s all gone wrong. No one bothered to think what would happen once the guest contributors got bored too.
November 26th, 2010 on 3:13 pm
Surely there’s been enough of a warning on that front by how Bitbroken’s been faring?
November 26th, 2010 on 6:36 pm
I can’t post updates, only submit them via the back-end. They need to be approved by Zorg first.
There’s still one waiting in the wings at the moment…
November 26th, 2010 on 10:06 pm
If only the death of Ireland’s economy could have happened before this pair of asshats and softened the blow of how fucking bent they both are. One is a moody little fuck and the other is a wackjob. (I base this purely on seeing their guest role on Buzzcocks the other week).