Here’s an unfortunate juxtaposition of text and images. This was found on a flash advert for Kinect on the front page of Youtube while I was looking for SID chip music.
Does anyone in the Microsoft marketing department even READ this shit before it gets approved?
filed in ENEMIES, PR DISASTER on Nov.27, 2010
November 27th, 2010 on 2:13 pm
Microsoft has looked to it’s future and realised it’s all down hill, then produced this to show the world that it can’t even be bothered to care.
Nice work.
November 27th, 2010 on 2:35 pm
The future is idiots flailing in front of a webcam. I do that on Chatroulette every Tuesday.
November 27th, 2010 on 3:25 pm
Never mind Kinect, recommend some SID music, please. I am rather partial to chip tunes even for games I’ve never played. In fact, I find most games are best experienced this way as I don’t have to set aside any of my all important ‘staring anxiously into space’ time.
November 27th, 2010 on 7:00 pm
A bit slow but impressive nonetheless.
November 27th, 2010 on 7:55 pm
Shamelessly ripped off from my own blog – Sonic the Hedgehog music on C64.
Also – Hysteria – still my favourite C64 music track of all time.
And Cybernoid 2.
The C64 version of Commando.
I miss the Commodore 64. *sadface*
November 27th, 2010 on 9:55 pm
Thanks for those links fotoku and Terrier, er, Games. Mr. Games?
I really liked that One Million Lightyears From Earth by Fairlight, weird Gothic scifi.
Also never heard of Hysteria before but I like that. Found this remix version.
Which you may view as sacrilegious, as I would if anyone dared touched anything from Street Fighter II (CPS1) or Final Fight. However, that remix strongly reminds of the music from Rondo of Blood on the Turbografx-16.
and another as I like it so much
*makes sure links aren’t to porn left in clipboard*
Currently listening to the Cybernoid 2 music, but don’t have all night to sit here waiting for it to finish before delivering my final verdict.
November 28th, 2010 on 11:28 am
Quite a nice 8/16 bit radio here if you’re interested?
November 28th, 2010 on 12:24 pm
I have shortened the name to just Terrier. Easier that way.
November 28th, 2010 on 1:34 pm
I’m going to call you Mr. Games regardless. Or perhaps not.
I didn’t mean to miss out the Sonic link, I did look at your blog. It’s just that I have trained myself over the years to automatically ignore anything relating to Sonic.
SID music and indeed the games can be quite eerie, I always got the feeling that no one had ever played them before I did and that they weren’t created by people, just existed in their own right. Like a nightmare. I think I said that before during the unsuccessful hunt for a particular C64 game a few months ago.
I am interested in that Kohina thing, will ‘chex’ it to the ‘max’ later on today.
November 28th, 2010 on 8:09 pm
I don’t like hijacking comment sections like this (I know I started it), but I have been listening to Kohina for most of the day now as I get on with stuff. Never knew it existed and it appears to have been around since at least 2004. :/