Even SEGA’s Mr Nagoshi, the last living, employed, embodiment of the classic, colourful SEGA dream of yesteryear, is now making games about robots/marines/the future accompanied by wisecracking dialogue.
We won’t be buying this, not even when it’s discounted to £12.99 three hours after launch.
This is it. The end. A bald, generic future marine has just rolled an incendiary device into the lobby of SEGA Japan. There’s no one left of any merit to pull out of the rubble. Link via VG247.
filed in "NEWS", ACTUAL GAMES, SEGA IN THE MODERN AGE on Dec.01, 2010
December 1st, 2010 on 12:30 pm
Didn’t Sega just make this game? I think it was called Vanquish or something and ended up in the bargain bin within a week of hitting the shelves. Except Vanquish also copied Halo as well as Gears of War. Two for one!
Japanese developers have totally lost the plot. This obsession with trying to conquer the Western market by copying the games is a total dead-end for them. The more they try to clone Modern Warfare, Halo and Gears of War the worse it gets. It’s about time they remembered that it was their unique style and gameplay ideas that put them ahead in the market, not copying other people’s games.
December 1st, 2010 on 12:55 pm
I nearly posted a similar article a couple of hours ago!
It seems AM2 are the only decent team left at Sega now and they make fuck all these days!
December 1st, 2010 on 1:14 pm
Come on now, Space Siege was definitely as pants as it gets, and it has SEGA all over the box.
Let’s focus on how shit GT5 is:
See, suddenly all the pain subsides, at least for about as long it takes for an average office loo wank.
December 1st, 2010 on 2:22 pm
[…] […]
December 1st, 2010 on 2:30 pm
I told you we should have all been interested in Bayonetta while we had the chance.
Did anyone listen to me? Or the hordes of reviewers saying it’s the best game of it’s kind on the planet?
No. No they didn’t, meaning everybody missed out on a game more Sega-y than anything Sega have put out in years, despite the fact it was made by a group of ex-Capcom employees.
December 1st, 2010 on 2:41 pm
Bayonetta was pants, too.
December 1st, 2010 on 2:48 pm
That looked staggeringly awful.
December 1st, 2010 on 3:13 pm
Who the fuck is M.Zorg? Bring back Terrier and Phorenzik like the good old days.
December 1st, 2010 on 3:20 pm
When will the people who design these robots give them better aiming software? Even the WOMAN was shooting on target.
Would, for all of them. Especially the cyborg at the end, who knows she/it probably had a fleshlight attachment…..
December 1st, 2010 on 3:25 pm
Ah yes, the stereotypical black support character.
December 1st, 2010 on 3:41 pm
Bayonetta was ace!
The sequel will be shit though. Probably
December 1st, 2010 on 3:48 pm
But she’s half-robot, with a baby! Mysteries…
– Why and who are the Resistance fighting?
– Who are the JNS (or JLS, can’t be bothered to rewind)?
– What are the various weapons and melee combat options?
– What does that large robot do for fun when it clocks off?
Questions that must be answered through several episodic generic duck-and-cover gameplay segments in each chapter (that’s right isn’t it? It’s all chapters now, not levels) punctuated with cutscenes.
Had you going there didn’t I? Making out like I was really interested in this, what a cock.
December 1st, 2010 on 4:11 pm
I refuse to play the video. It looks like some fucking Warhammer 40K/Halo ripoff and those just bore me to tears.
December 1st, 2010 on 4:13 pm
“Bayonetta was pants, too.”
…Except, it wasn’t. In any way, had one of the best slash-em-up combat engines ever created, and was gloriously batshit-insane.
The most negative thing about the game was the story was a convoluted mess, but fucking hell… As a GAME… IE: pressing stuff and making a character do things to other things on screen while music and sounds play? It was the fucking bollocks.
December 1st, 2010 on 4:31 pm
We could all pretend that it’s a sequel to the obscure and extremely average Master System phaser game Assault City? Makes it a bit more Sega-ey. (Sega-ish?)
December 2nd, 2010 on 1:01 am
If you’re going to try and rip off Gears of War five years after it was released, perhaps try not to make it look like it was made five years before it.
December 2nd, 2010 on 7:22 am
Aren’t they making a Yakuza game with zombies in it.
December 2nd, 2010 on 7:59 am
I agree with the robot targeting software.
If you can make a robot smart enough to drop from a moving vehicle, walk and identify targets how hard could it be to make it at least 90 % accurate when firing guns.
And maybe the designer of robots can imagine something in a more robust form as the bipedal thing ? What about a robot that is more like the ghost in the shell tank ?
On a positive note I just found a special edition of eternal arcadia and look forward to start playing a good old sega game again.
December 2nd, 2010 on 1:17 pm
So, Ax Battler, Tyris Flare and a tall black Gilius Thunderhead in a Gears of War/EDF ripoff?
Or is it Karen, Garth and Scooter from Alien Storm? (although the badguy robots look like Scooter anyway)
Nice to see things have really progressed though. What next? Sonic & Tails in an Army of Two ripoff? Toejam & Earl as Kane & Lynch?
Oh no, hang on, those roles are already taken aren’t they?
Cant. Wait.
(Anyone else finding it hard to keep up with the suddenly increased amount of updates of late? Or is it just me?)
December 2nd, 2010 on 5:06 pm
The updates are making my head spin…
Have we guilted the Commander into updating more often? Does this mean there’s a crack of human kindness within his soul?
December 6th, 2010 on 8:21 pm
[…] SEGA will be jumping in late on the space marine craze with its new IP, Binary Domain. I’m not excited at all. [SEGA Blogs] [UK:R] […]
December 7th, 2010 on 12:34 pm
[…] SEGA will be jumping in late on the space marine craze with its new IP, Binary Domain. I’m not excited at all. [SEGA Blogs] [UK:R] […]