It’s the Hip-Hop Gaming League! The HHGL has even got Snoop Dogg involved, getting him to quite awkwardly read out some scripted lumps of dialogue about “playas” and “mo playas” coming together on Xbox Live.
You should check out the movie, it makes this look good.

This is the HHGL’s fictional representation of the video games media. This is quite possibly the most wrong thing we’ve ever seen. For a start, there’s girls there and no one is morbidly obese and avoiding eye contact by staring at their notepads.
E3 isn’t really like this at all. In fact, you could describe it as the “polar opposite”.
Is she the new staff writer on, or a hired actress?
If we were being cynical, we might suggest it’s all just a marketing circle-wank organised by companies with too much money to spend on targeting imaginary demographics.
Next week is “Sprite Draft Week”.
The entire video disaster can be seen here. We sort of stole this link from Spong, but only because they said we should “do something on it”.
filed in Uncategorized on Feb.22, 2006
February 22nd, 2006 on 5:55 pm
Good lord
February 22nd, 2006 on 6:52 pm
Yikes!!! Horrifying.
February 22nd, 2006 on 7:17 pm
Seb and Gnome: Word up.
Also, anyone who refers to themselves in the third person (even if they are a rap ‘star’) IS A CUNT.
February 22nd, 2006 on 7:47 pm
I’m impressed by the absolutely appalling memory of Snoop Dogg. I don’t think he is able to progress beyond ten words without a sneaky glance down at the podium where his speech is written out for him in really big letters.
And after putting most of what he said through a translator…what exactly is supposed to be so amazing about this thing anyway? A bunch of gits are going to play crap games online in a tournament? Wowzers indeed!
February 22nd, 2006 on 8:57 pm
Snoop Dog… Sold out? WOAH?!?!?!?
February 22nd, 2006 on 9:50 pm
quote of the video might be “marinade on this, ya’ll”. it makes me happy anyway.
February 22nd, 2006 on 10:33 pm
You know what’d be better though? If Snoop actually climbed into a basting tray and then placed himself in a pre-heated oven on gas mark 7 for 45 minutes. Now who’s marinading, sell out m*therf*cker?!
All this Hip Hop gaming talk has gone right to my head…
February 23rd, 2006 on 4:36 pm
Oh Dear, Nintendoggy Dogg.
Snoop, you must have been totally wankered when you agreed to do this.
note to Tommyleecee, marindaning is what you do before stuff goes in the oven
February 23rd, 2006 on 6:48 pm
Hamstermemnon – thanks for the pointer. I wondered why my food always tasted shit.