Life is worth living again! We’re happy! It’s like being back on the Prozac/Zoloft combination therapy! Every day brings a new Sony DISASTER, as PlayStation3 morphs into more of a joke by the second. 425 pounds! A remake of an old PS2 racer as its ‘main game’! A rubbish controller copied off Nintendo! Blu-Ray no one wants! Executives who brand it “a bargain” and think it’s above criticism and that we should be grateful it’s launching a new PlayStation at all!
Every day we wake up invigorated, desperate to see the latest in PS3 comedy disintegration. We’ll be triumphantly hoisting PlayStation’s bleeding corpse into the air yet.
And then there are the games.

This, 12 months ago, was what Tekken 6 was going to look like.
This is what Tekken 6 looks like today. Next year, when it comes out, it’ll look like a third-party Dreamcast game like all the rest of the piss-poor PS3 stuff shown at E3. Seeing this breathes life into our souls! Yeah, Sony, carry on begging those third-parties to pretend their multi-format games are exclusive to PS3 so your game line-up doesn’t look like such a disaster. It won’t make a difference.
Still, women get punched in the stomach in it, so it’s not that bad.
filed in LIES on May.24, 2006
May 24th, 2006 on 2:56 pm
You forget that the real revolution is the cell processor, that will be generically used across all the household products of the future like etcha-sketch, solar calculators and microwaves you can operate with a dial.
May 24th, 2006 on 4:39 pm
I suggest people watch the demo video for this 40% finished game, the physics are amazing. There is sweat flying off thier bodys in the direction of each forceful blow. Your taking a look at a poor char model and screaming lie over an unfinished game. Oh and guess what? a recent poll says the uk’s most wanted system is the ps3, why? simple because the games look as good if not better than 2nd gen 360 games and their not even half way finished!
May 24th, 2006 on 5:01 pm
OMG REAL SWEAT PHYSICS!! It’s a revolution people!
May 24th, 2006 on 5:34 pm
A recent poll i just made up say’s the UK’s mostly full of illiterate morons. I reckon there’s probably more truth in that.
Troll me up motherfucker..
May 24th, 2006 on 5:36 pm
OMFG! psychospeed, are you that much of a deluded fanboy?
May 24th, 2006 on 5:46 pm
I’m sick of all the PS3 bashing if you dont like it dont buy it. Simple as. For a gaming blog you dont seem to like anything to do with gaming.
May 24th, 2006 on 6:46 pm
I didn’t believe this until I looked it up on google. Im definatly not buying a PS3 now, I mean it doesnt even have analogue controllers.
May 24th, 2006 on 7:25 pm
It smacks of Dead or Alive 2 a bit dunnit? I thought the PS3 was meant to be all powerful?
May 24th, 2006 on 7:29 pm
Actually, having looked at the trailer again, it reminds me more of GASP!! Fighter’s Nextream on the N64. Oh dear…
May 24th, 2006 on 7:37 pm
Isn’t Sega making a load of PS3 games?
May 24th, 2006 on 7:48 pm
It’s the same crap the Xbox camp is pulling with Too Human. Check out the screenshots on IGN vs. gameplay footage from E3 and you’re going to laugh your ass off.
May 24th, 2006 on 8:21 pm
Stop taking everything so seriously, guy. You’d be fine if they were slagging off a console you didn’t like. Breathe deeply, satire is a good thing.
I suppose it’s a bit much to expect PS3 advocates to have a sense of humour left after E3.
May 24th, 2006 on 8:36 pm
Lol, i love this site, it really brightens up my day.
May 24th, 2006 on 8:42 pm
Why watch the PS3’s sweaty men when you can watch 360’s Fight Night?
May 24th, 2006 on 10:07 pm
SNES Mortal Kombat had sweat physics, too!
Megadrive version just had crappy blood, like that’s a realistic portrayal of a fight to the death.
May 24th, 2006 on 11:22 pm
ahem, what im saying is look at how far its finished and how much they have done with it, graphics are sugar coating, what good game has focused on the graphics first and everything else second? none! Before you bash tekken 6 for its horrible dev modeling, look at the details. As for the poll look it up at qj.nets ps3 page oh wait i can do one better heres the source link:
amazing huh? No it just shows that not all of the uk is a bunch of illiterate morons that drool over sugar coated graphics like 360 junkies (I have one, shinny xbox graphics and sports with forever rainwashed sweat, i have more fun with my neo geo than it). As for scratonthinice i should slap some sense into your thick lil head, whats wrong with supporting a system? If someone sees somthing they like theyll get it regardless of what brand it is. And so far i like what ive seen from the ps3, mainly from what ive seen on play able demos. And Nemisis2k… google is full of more turds than your toilet after thanksgiving feast. Look it up on something credible.
May 24th, 2006 on 11:48 pm
psychospeed, everyone!
May 25th, 2006 on 12:01 am
There’s always going to be people with more money than sense. The same kind of people who believe what commercially fueled magazines (such as T3) recommend. Look at the amount of people who own iPods and continue to buy the latest model, every revision (this is coming from a die-hard Mac user).
What most people fail to realise is that there are two groups of people involved in the success of a console, the gamers and the developers. Now, there’s no doubt that the PS3 will be a success with gamers but I don’t know a single developer who enjoys developing for the PS3 because it’s so bloody laborious (yes, I am a games developer).
P.S. “Illiterate morons”? Have you READ your posts, recently? (meow) =o)
May 25th, 2006 on 12:19 am
At his E3 talk Phil Harrison claimed that imagination is the only limit now. I tried to imagine that psychospeed isn’t an idiot. ANOTHER SONY LIE.
May 25th, 2006 on 12:35 am
*slaps system11* lie? come now the stupid console isnt even out yet! this site is worse than the d*** witchhunts a few hundred years ago with sony. Give me one completed game that looks like crap for the ps3… ONE COMPLETED game. Oh wait, theres none completed yet. Why? BECAUSE THE SYSTEM ISNT OUT YET. So right now their are no lies and no truths, only speculation of unfinished products. So think about it like this all you little midevial twats. Ever work on a project that takes time? I looks like you took a shite on it half the time till your finished. A painting takes layers of paint, mixed and manipulated to look good. Oh and take a lookie at old 360 demo reels from 6 months before it was released, see how they compare.
May 25th, 2006 on 1:06 am
I can see your point regarding unfinished demo’s, but seeing as they have a whole heap of competition from Microsoft and (although they don’t like to admit it) Nintendo, you would have thought that at E3 – the show where these companies are forced to show off side by side – Sony would have pulled their finger out their brownring and show off. They didn’t impress, and it’s still a bag of wank compared to anything else on offer.
May 25th, 2006 on 1:11 am
It only looks rubbish because they decided to run the game at 240fps in 4D instead of the original 60fps in 3D.
May 25th, 2006 on 1:19 am
;) xxx
May 25th, 2006 on 1:33 am
May 25th, 2006 on 6:33 am
Have you guys played Under Defeat for the Dreamcast? That game is fucking awesome!
May 25th, 2006 on 6:34 am
Have you guys played Under Defeat for the Dreamcast? That game is fucking awesome!
May 25th, 2006 on 8:30 am
hang on a sec, when the early 360 demos were out with their crap graphics, everyone was going “omg ps3 is teh roxxors”
now when we are cussing the ps3, SUDDENLY we’re not allowed to cos the demos are unfinished?
psychospeed. mate, ps3’s just doing this year what 360 did last year – showing dodgy in-game stuff – whereas last year it was all target renders (i.e. LIES).
as for supporting a system/company so fervently, there is something TERRIBLY wrong with it.
console manufacturers don’t care about their fans, the people bigging up their stuff, they care about mag reviews in T3, and in the case of ninty, getting your grandma to kick your ass in super smash bros.
worst of all, is that this site is driven by sarcasm and satire, and the fact that you’re taking it so seriously means you’re just not getting it.
better stick to IGN if you’re after some good old, offence-free ‘news’.
IGN welcomes fan(boy)s with open arms. provided you’re in the right section of course…
May 25th, 2006 on 9:28 am
I could not have said it any better, bilal. I miss the days when UK:R readers actually understood the score.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go take a dump in that outhouse…oh, that was the letters shed? Oops…
May 25th, 2006 on 9:54 am
[quote=”corkhuskman”]could not have said it any better, bilal. I miss the days when UK:R readers actually understood the score.[/quote]
Agreed. Indeed I miss the whole OSSM/EMAP satire thing actually. The difference is no better demonstrated than through the difference between Rich Leadbetter et al and the shitty Dean Mortlock :P
May 25th, 2006 on 10:10 am
psychospeed, as others have said, there are plenty of fanboi forums to vent your spleen on, fuck off there.
The point was what was promised a year go and what is being currently delivered a year later. As usual the promises are a big bucket of baby bollocks, but that shouldn’t stop the fun of poking the liars!
May 25th, 2006 on 10:36 am
This whole ‘most eagerly awaited console in the UK’ thing doesn’t really work, does it? I mean, the 360 is already out, so all the PS3 is managing is to be more eagerly awaited than the Nintendo thing that keeps changing its name.
Ooooh… first out of two! Nurse! Defibrilator!
May 25th, 2006 on 12:43 pm
It’s Ridge Racer
May 25th, 2006 on 3:42 pm
Psychospeed, did you even look at the first screen?
May 25th, 2006 on 3:48 pm
This phychospeed is clearly a troll just ignore him.
May 25th, 2006 on 4:06 pm
careful, he might get *double checks* midevial on our asses..
but not, i shouldn’t mock, really
May 25th, 2006 on 5:10 pm
Hang on everybody we seem to have ignored the revolutionary development: there are no crappy day-glo pink or orange explosions used to hide the poor contact graphics.
I don’t like it. Change is bad. What next? No barrels in FPS? A puzzle in an adventure game that doesn’t require the use of levers or boxes?
May 25th, 2006 on 5:25 pm
Cunzy11 is right. We should be more concerned about how games are changing. I mean, soon, there’ll be no big fuck-off rats or spiders in RPGs!
I swear, if there are no sweaty rats, I might as well just kill myself now.
May 25th, 2006 on 5:45 pm
Physics my arse. It’ll still be Tekken and hence a load of shit.
So you’ll be buying a PS3 on day one then Psychospeed? Proof; if any were needed; that a fool and his money are easily parted.
May 25th, 2006 on 7:07 pm
This is the most anti-sony site I have ever seen!
“it’ll look like a third-party Dreamcast game like all the rest of the piss-poor PS3 stuff shown at E3”.
You must be joking! Whatever!
May 25th, 2006 on 9:52 pm
Cutlack’s only bitter because Sony killed off his beloved Sega’s console business.
May 26th, 2006 on 12:37 am
Looks worse than DOA4 when it was 15% complete and running on a G5 and X850
May 26th, 2006 on 1:32 am
How come some people take this so seriously that they can find the time to construct barely coherent essays on why the PS3 is wonderful and all evidence to the contrary is a lie, yet we still haven’t had anybody taking the punching women in the stomach thing seriously? Is punching women in the stomach socially acceptable now, or is it just that your average Sony fanboy is considerably more stupid than a teenage girl who’s only just heard of Germaine Greer and is being quite vocal about it?
“u chauvinest pig this isent the midevial ages u cant punch girls”
May 26th, 2006 on 3:34 am
“u chauvinest pig this isent the midevial ages u cant punch girls”
Are you kidding me? The 21st century is all about equality. If women want to be treated as equals, then it goes without saying that we’re allowed, nay, ENCOURAGED to beat the ever loving snot out of them.
Yay for equality! *kicks the zimmer frame out from under the next elderly granny he sees, gut-punches her, steals her pension money and high-tails it to the nearest department store to preorder a PS3*
May 26th, 2006 on 7:29 am
I never laughed so much at a forum in ages, reading these PS3 supportings getting really worked up over people who have always and will always hate SONY as its just a fun hobby. Also, do you SONY lovers actually realise what this site is all about?
Its like walking into a vodafone shop and complaining that they don’t sell Orange phones!
May 26th, 2006 on 8:41 am
RIIIIDGE RACER!!1!11oneeleventyone!1
May 26th, 2006 on 9:40 am
How come some people take this so seriously that they can find the time to construct barely coherent essays on why the PS3 is wonderful and all evidence to the contrary is a lie, yet we still haven’t had anybody taking the they are actually making another Tekken game thing seriously? Is making Tekken games socially acceptable now, or is it just that your average Sony fanboy is considerably more stupid than a teenage girl who’s only just heard of Germaine Greer and is being quite vocal about it?
“u chauvinest pig this isent the midevial ages u cant make fight game”
May 26th, 2006 on 1:38 pm
lol, talk about missing the point. They are constantly showing off uber realistic screenshots with mad detail and telling us ‘This is what the game will look like on the PS3’ when in actual fact, they look pretty poor.
It’s not the graphics we care about. It’s the lies!
May 26th, 2006 on 5:18 pm
Well said sir! Spot On.
” o/o ” or something.
May 26th, 2006 on 8:42 pm
Happy now, Zorg? ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?
May 27th, 2006 on 10:03 pm
Sony needs to fail this time around, let this round go to the Wii and the 360, like we need another bloated POS company that owns the next gen HD disc format…
May 27th, 2006 on 10:27 pm
Shows sony for tootin’ their horns too early on this one.
I really have lost my faith in Sony, not only in the video game indsutry, but as well as their whole DRM miss-hap this year in the music industry.
Toodles sony.
May 27th, 2006 on 11:00 pm
When you order a pizza at pizza hut from the menu, does it not look good? Well, they need to finish cooking the pizza before it looks like that, otherwise they just have all the uncooked ingredients that make it taste good.
This is like the game. They promised a good looking game (like the menu), and they are making the game (cooking the pizza), but it won’t look good until its done cooking (the game is finished).
Think logically. They have to finish the game engine, create the levels, adjust the physics, etc. etc. etc.
Besides The graphics don’t reflect the PS3 in any way. it is the game company making it, not sony.
The graphics for the wii suck, but everybody doiesn’t go into a panic about that, eh?
May 28th, 2006 on 3:39 am
oi… you know these arent out yet, the projected demos showed last year can still be reached, why? because its not out yet, the only thing about those reels from last year that they lied about is them being in real time. Stupid of them yes, and for you dum***** who think im getting on on day one, your f’ing retarded. Ill save up yes, but will i waste my money on crap if i dont see something good on launch day? no, so f’ off and get a brain, Im excited about the promise that i see in the demos, not immediatly disapointed when i see unfinished products. I almost bought a 360 on day one till i played the demos on a pre released 360 at an EB store. Then i held off and now im glad i did… ill probably still hold off for another year till more games come out.
May 28th, 2006 on 4:08 am
What playstation website are all these comments coming from?
May 28th, 2006 on 10:08 am
I have a PS3, and it’s shit. So, there you go. no need to continue this arguement really. Cos i have one, and you dont.. and it’s shit. Worse than shit. It has additional shit built in and the games i have are shit. So trust me and dont waste your money on a piece of shit.
May 28th, 2006 on 6:11 pm
Ahh he’s American. That explains it. We don’t have EB over here any more, just GAME. Or Game. Can’t remember.
May 29th, 2006 on 12:18 am
“oi… you know these arent out yet, the projected demos showed last year can still be reached, why?”
No they can’t. They weren’t projected demos, they were professionally produced CGI made for marketing purposes.
May 30th, 2006 on 11:54 pm
Amazing article. I wrote a worse one of a similar vein about Virtua Fighter 5 just now, thought you might enjoy it.
June 2nd, 2006 on 3:02 pm
walking into a trap there with that dodgy pizza hut analogy:
using your example, last year’s E3 target renders are like the blowtorched, glazed-to-shit fake pizza mock-ups they show in their menus and on the site.
it’s like microwave dinners – the photos look sublime but the actual thing looks a bit crap doesn’t it?
what you lot need to understand is that this is just a joke, ok. if we wanna twat about laughing at videos then that’s up to us. your moaning about it just makes us laugh even more.
so really i shouldn’t be attempting to explain to you. i should just keep quiet so i can laugh some more.
June 3rd, 2006 on 12:59 pm
that has to be among the greatest graphics I’ve ever seen !! I never thought I’d ever see graphics that are better then 64 bit Sony have really outdone themselves (OMG sarcasm)
June 9th, 2006 on 7:16 am
He could be Australian, we have EB here. In fact I’d say that’s quite possible, Australia is pretty much the land of SONY fanboys :(
June 26th, 2006 on 2:55 pm
ok like the director of tekken said these pictures is not finish,but we trying to tell you we is already begun to make a plan about tekken 6,after we make tekken dr to the psp,so that is what makes these pictures look like that!so after they finish tekken to the psp,the graphics of tekken 6 will rock very much!
July 22nd, 2006 on 1:13 am
what i dont understand is why namco or whoever make tekken would make the jin polygon model look so great in the renders then do that xbox 360 looking poly model in that reel where he punches the girl. i know a fair bit about poly modelling and rendering and my point is that i wonder if thats the finished jin model or if they will go back and remake him more like the render model. if so no bloody wonder games take so long! namco shudnt have released that demo untill they had the finished jin model to show. if that IS the finshed jin model, the ps3 can eat my balls!
October 9th, 2006 on 7:02 am
Cmdr_Zorg, the only lie here is yours.
First of all, implying that Sony is lying when in fact the footage in question was created by Namco is a blatant lie.
Second, neither Namco nor Sony made any statement about that footage being real time. Sony merely helped in announcing that this game and others shown in that section were in development. Any intelligent person (not you apparently) would have known the video was pre-rendered.
Oh and by the way, Microsoft’s E3 press conference had as much pre rendered footage as Sony did last year so if you want to compare something, leave the CG examples alone. It means absolutely nothing.
A better example of how PS3 character’s compare to what Sony promised is Fight Night Round 3. The amazing characters shown at e3 are now playable and they look much better than they do on xbox 360. From what I can see Sony made no lies at all because any tech demos they showed turned out true. Although one video that needs to be proven is the unreal tech demo, but I know that will be proven as well when unreal 2007 releases.
How can a company avoid silly remarks such as yours based on false speculation? You only write this for the satisfaction of winning some debate any way you can. If you want to influence everyone as you obviously do, you have to at least appear honest which you certainly don’t.
November 11th, 2006 on 10:04 pm
The article is good but the comments on this one are fuckin brilliant
Just remember folks, the Brits are the only ones who understand sarcasm & irony properly
December 16th, 2006 on 6:53 pm
Yeah, but still, women get punched in the stomach, so it’s not that bad.
March 12th, 2007 on 6:29 pm
“Oh and guess what? a recent poll says the uk’s most wanted system is the ps3, why? ” – psychospeed
Lol, not the best logic ever..
Using cars as an example, I would imagine most of the UK would like a Ferrari or an Aston Martin. However it’s fair to say far more are driving Mondeos, Focuses and Renault Clios because they do the same job for far less.
Cue “But it has BlueRay…” :rolleyes:
April 6th, 2007 on 4:34 am
For some reason I have a feeling more people want a Wii.
June 22nd, 2007 on 3:23 pm
PS3 is popular because of marketing, not from any skill. The PS3 is like the Ford Mustang of the gaming world. Powerful, fast, and flashy on the outside, but under the hood, its a worthless peice fo crap. This is a PS2 reincarnated. Dismal launch and first gen titles accompanied by empty promises and false advertising. Remember Fantavision? Ugghh…
I expect some decent second gen games if a company comes along and finally figures out how to develop for it. For now, though, the game library is absolutely dreadful. Ive seen more interesting things come out of my ass…
December 1st, 2007 on 12:54 pm
Managed to get halfway throug this.
Psychospeed must have commited suicide by now no ? It would only be right.
June 19th, 2008 on 3:59 pm
oh no, if tekken doesnt look pretty then all its got is piss poor AI and controls that mount up to smashing one hand on the d-pad and the other hand on all the other buttons.
November 17th, 2008 on 8:47 pm
I have an erection.