Well done. As if a PDF “magazine” about PlayStation3 wasn’t a bad enough idea already, PDF “magazine” PS3Zine has just told its readers to not bother getting Grand Theft Auto IV on PS3.
Because, and we quote, “You’d be better off buying it on 360” due to it being cheaper and better.

Evidence of the sound advice to (and we paraphrase a little) AVOID PS3 LIKE MCVITIE’S PLAGUE HOBNOBS, can be found here – should you be one of the three people in the world with the patience to bother with PDF “magazines.”
Well done. Good effort. We will ensure you are rewarded with a prominent role within the New World Order once we have assumed control.
filed in Uncategorized on Apr.25, 2008
April 25th, 2008 on 2:08 pm
Not to start a serious discussion here or anything, but I’ve been seeing lots of disturbing web rumours that the PS3 version of GTAIV runs better than the 360 version. Hopefully it’s just malicious lies spread by people who’ve learned PR from the school of Phil Harrison, but I’ve seen the 360 version in motion and it is a bit choppy. I’d eyeball it as running around ~25fps most of the time.
April 25th, 2008 on 2:15 pm
there are 10 ps3 only games?
April 25th, 2008 on 4:32 pm
tentonipete – i tried downloading it – and – that top 10 feature is a must-read for anyone considering purchase of a ps3…
Home? Fall of Man 2?!? BUZZ?!?!?!?
When a Hires tweak of WipeOut, a series that peaked in about 1998, is the best game exclusive to a system, thats a pretty shoddy state of affairs.
Who in their right mind would buy a ps3?
April 25th, 2008 on 5:30 pm
it’s sort of refreshing to see a single-format “magazine” removing its tongue from the arsehole of its associated company to give its readers some potentially useful advice instead of just pandering to the PR people and fanboys all the time.
like when NGamer used to (maybe still do, i haven’t bought it in ages) do a couple of pages on new releases for Sony/Microsoft consoles where they actually admitted their good games were, in fact, good, rather than just saying “lol these are all shit, nintendo is well better innit”
April 25th, 2008 on 6:38 pm
They’ll always have HAZE, amirite?
April 25th, 2008 on 7:47 pm
I read in that review a guy put up and then took down for fear of getting raped by lawyers that the PS3 version runs slightly better. It was a bad review, but it seemed genuine.
April 25th, 2008 on 11:10 pm
What are the chances of seeing a new masterclass here on UK:R?
April 26th, 2008 on 2:32 pm
What everyone is forgetting is that xbox has HALO exclusively. Therefore xbox>play station
April 26th, 2008 on 3:42 pm
The fact is now that the PS3 version is actually superiour. Faster loading times, less pop ups and crisper graphics. This has been confirmed by EGM, IGN and various other sources. I will definatly be picking up the PS3 version now and maybe consider the getting the Xbox 360 version as well later, when the DLC gets released, but that wont be until late this year.
And yes, I can afford both versions because I am richer and better than all of you.
April 26th, 2008 on 5:29 pm
I imagine graphically the differences are marginal, but from a what you get for your money stand point the 360 wins every time. Even if you have neither console, like me, you’re saving like £100 even if you get the most expensive 360 (because who the fuck wants the castrated 40 gig PS3 anyway).
April 26th, 2008 on 7:15 pm
Yes it seems the rumours are true, Rockstar did put the B-team on the 360 version. Hopefully they’ll try harder to hit a steady 30fps for GTAIV Vice City.
April 27th, 2008 on 12:43 am
“Faster loading times”?
…aside from boot up, the game has been designed so it doesn’t have a single time where it pauses to load.
And what is the dictionary definition of a “crisp graphic”, exactly? Because it SOUNDS like some generic term with no substance which could be pretty much attributed to a personal preference.
To some people “crisper graphics” means the absence of anti aliasing, for example…
As for Pop-up, as I haven’t had enough hands on experience of the PS3 version to tell if there’s any difference, but the in the 14 hours I’ve played the 360 version so far, I can count about 2 times where I actually noticed something.
In the end of the day, MS gave Rockstar a nice big cheque, so the 360 version is going to get more stuff for it which far, far outweighs any (possibly subjective) marginal graphical improvement.
April 27th, 2008 on 1:35 pm
I’ll probably get the game on 360, mainly due to not owning a ps3 because they are fucking wank.
The ps3 version probably only has faster loading times, because there will be an hour and a half install before you can even play it.
April 29th, 2008 on 10:28 am
@ Craig – The PS3 install takes 7 mins and the Xbox doesn’t have an install option cos it’s wank.
I though about getting GTA on the Xbox for about 0.01 seconds until I remembered that mine has RROD twice in the last six months.
April 29th, 2008 on 12:34 pm
Uh oh. UKR comments has gone all fanboy on our asses.
It’s a fine and lovely game on both systems, m’kay?
April 29th, 2008 on 9:17 pm
While GTA PS3 currently has slightly better reviews than the 360 version; it turns out that the cunts that reviewed it didin’t notice that it runs in lower res, and freezes on the 60GB version.
anyways fuck both version -going back to wii fit-