Mucky little Alison Carroll has proved remarkably resilient for a Lara Croft model – here she is from last week, where she was wheeled out, wiped down, propped up, given something to hold and told to trudge through the same old poses YET AGAIN for the pleasure of men who can only make eye contact with her via the security of the 2.4″ LCD monitor on the digital camera.

Disgustingly smudged screen. This is why women shouldn’t be allowed to have expensive technology. They get Vaseline over EVERYTHING.
Have you ever used a computer after a woman? The mouse always smells of flowers, there are greasy thumb marks on the space bar and what looks like specks of yogurt on the screen.
For the first two years, all new household gadgets must be exclusively used by the male in the house. Only then, when they’re already a bit grimy, can women be allowed to get hand cream and assorted moisturisers all over them.
She’s holding up well, isn’t she? That looks like a proper, genuine smile, not the sort of fake, lifeless dead-eyed grin we’ve come to associate with people who work full-time within the video game industry.
Right. That’s it. You’ve had TWO porn updates in a row, now. So tomorrow it’s spiral time. More spirals that you can possibly imagine. Spiral curtains. Spiral mugs. Spiral lamps. That’s the deal.
Foreign telly OUTRAGE Corridor spycam EXCLUSIVE Her in hi-res “Crotch-gate”
filed in Uncategorized on Feb.09, 2009
February 9th, 2009 on 1:29 pm
Her rancid belly button is a mega ‘inny’. WTF did the cut the umbilical with? Jackhammer? Ewwww.
NB; I can’t really afford to be that picky in real life, but this is the internet and girls don’t exist here.
February 9th, 2009 on 1:41 pm
Canon EOS 1D IIIs might be worth the £3000 pricetag, but they’re clearly too heavy to allow focusing on your subject when held in one trembling hand, cf picture 4 (number 5 in the name, WHY ARE THESE IN THE WRONG ORDER!?!)
February 9th, 2009 on 2:05 pm
I made a last minute EDITORIAL DECISION to swap the positions of pictures 4 & 5 to allow space to comment on her seemingly genuine smile. Apologies for any confusion there.
The pictures came from two separate sources who both had different shots – I suspect more are out there.
February 9th, 2009 on 2:06 pm
Hang on… that’s not the same Lara Croft, is it? This one is a bit fitter, has got blue eyes and isn’t kicking up her leg to expose her pink tomb.
February 9th, 2009 on 2:08 pm
This is no good for wanking, she’s shilling Sony phones!
Did she have that navel piercing in the old photos or is that new?
February 9th, 2009 on 2:42 pm
Ohhhhhhh RATS. I thought that was a nip slip in the last photo but it’s just the shadow cast from that phone’s tassle that creates the illusion of a small segment of her right mammary areola. I’d still tap that shadow. I’d tap it BIGGO.
February 9th, 2009 on 2:52 pm
Would she suck I off if I told her I had the same phone?
Seriously, would that help my chances? Lara?
P.S. Slight bingo wing action in the first two pics, but I’ll let her off with a warning just this once.
February 9th, 2009 on 2:57 pm
forget about the eyes, this one has breasts. is the 08 version a man?
February 9th, 2009 on 3:00 pm
maybe some spiral pr0n next time.
February 9th, 2009 on 3:28 pm
I’d like to introduce her Tomb Raider Underworld to my Tomb Raider Legend.
February 9th, 2009 on 3:53 pm
#4 must be photoshopped…You cannot go into the cunt-fone warehouse and smile. It isn’t possible.
It is hell on the high street.
February 9th, 2009 on 4:29 pm
Come on, Gary, post something on this already:,45098.html
Could do with some spirals though.
February 9th, 2009 on 4:42 pm
That can’t be true. I thought ‘Wii’ was a terrible name, but both those trademarked names are light years of badness in front of it. You might as well just trademark “Arsehole”.
February 9th, 2009 on 4:48 pm
I can only imagine that thing being something like that Brazilian Zeebo console, which is basically a comb in a box with internet access. I think Sega would make some great boxed combs, possibly with spirals.
February 9th, 2009 on 4:57 pm
Then again, you can already play some Sega games on that Brazilian comb:
So maybe Sega’s comb will have some hot hentai cosplay action to keep up? Endless possibilties.
February 9th, 2009 on 8:12 pm
Her tits arent bad though, are they? Although from a personal pov, I prefer the look of that dark haired cheerleader from the previous update.
February 9th, 2009 on 9:21 pm
That mole on the right jubblie will be the end of me, I swear.
wv: bledshi – for when the word “hemorrhoids” just doesn’t cut it.
February 9th, 2009 on 10:07 pm
Would, between the knockers and all over the face.
February 9th, 2009 on 10:17 pm
She’s not bad looking. For a woman.
It’s not fair that women can go around flashing their tits. When I flashed my balls near the swings I got arrested.
February 9th, 2009 on 10:33 pm
Ironically before becoming Lara her main source of income was wanking off builders on their teabreak behind Carphone Warehouse.
February 10th, 2009 on 10:22 am
When she’s not playing Lara Croft or crying that nobody wants her because of the ENORMOUS MOLE on her left tit, whatever her name is (Miss Lovesocket, let’s call her) works for CPW, ringing you up to pester you to upgrade while not knowing a fucking thing about any of the phones she’s pushing on you.
February 10th, 2009 on 11:43 am
February 10th, 2009 on 7:27 pm
hahah.. gotta love the croft… looking for gamer girls.. .check out :P found this site while googling for pics of her